ʾäwəgərä - አውግረ

ʾawgər (plural);
heaps, mounds, hills, mountains, high places (of worship), altars.

wagr (singular);
heap, mound, hill, mountain, high place (of worship), altar.
(L. 608)

wagr; mound, mountain, hill.
(L. Voc.)

Semitic: Early North Arabic; wgr "tombstone" (W. Müller). Arabic: wagr "Höhle, (Berg)höhle < Steinformation < Stein". (A. Ambros). For G. wagr, "heap, hill" compare Aramaic yəgār "hill, heap of stones", Syr. yagrā "heap of stones".
(L. 608)

Ethiopic: wagara; throw together, wagr; mound.
(Rabbi Eric Levy, ericlevy.com)

wagara (yegar, yewger) to throw, cast; to stone (someone). tawagra to be stoned. tawāgara to throw stones at one another. wagr (pl. ʾawger, -āt) heap, mound, hill.
(T. L. 442)