nd after this law I saw another law with reference to the smaller luminary whose name is moon.
2. And her circuit is like the circuit of the heavens, and her chariot in which she rides is driven by the wind, and in a measure light is given to her.
3. Every month her ascent and her descent is changed; her days are like the days of the sun, and when her light is equal [full] her light is the seventh part of the light of the sun.
4. And thus she rises. And her beginning in the east comes forth on the thirtieth morning, and on that day she becomes visible and is for you the beginning of the moon, on the thirtieth morning, together with the sun in the portal whence the sun proceeds.
5. And the one half is prominent by the seventh part, and her whole circuit is empty, and there is no light with the exception of the one seventh part of the fourteen parts of light.
6. And on that day when she takes up the seventh part and the half of her light, her light contains one seventh and one seventh part and the half of it.
7. She sets with the sun. And when the sun rises the moon also rises with him and takes a half portion of light, and in that night in the beginning of her morning on her first day the moon sets with the sun, and is darkened in that night, with the seventh and the seventh portions and the half of one.
8. And she will rise on that day with exactly the seventh part, and will come out and become smaller from the rising of the sun and shine the rest of her days, with the seventh and the seventh part.