nd after this I saw another dream, and I will show thee all, my son.
2. And Enoch began, and said to his son Methuselah: "To thee, my son, I will speak; hear my words, and lend thy ear to the vision of the dream of thy father.
3. Before I took thy mother Ednâ, I saw in a vision on my couch, and behold, a bullock came out of the earth, and this bullock was white; and after him there came a female of the same species, and together with this one came other cattle, one of them was black and one red.
4. And that black one horned the red one, and followed it over the earth; and then I could no longer see that red one.
5. And that black one grew, and a cow came with it, and I saw that many cattle, like it and following it, came from it.
6. And that cow, the first one, came from the presence of that first bullock, seeking that red one, and did not find it, and then raised a great cry, and hunted it.
7. And I looked until that first bullock came to her and quieted her; and from that time she did not cry aloud.
8. And after that she brought forth another white bullock, and after that she brought forth many bullocks and black cows.
9. And I saw in my sleep that white bullock grow and become a large white bullock, and from him came many white bullocks, and they were similar to him. And they commenced to beget many white bullocks, and these were similar to them, and one followed the other.