44. But the former sheep opened his eyes, and saw the ram in the midst of them, who had laid aside his glory. And he began to strike the sheep, treading upon them, and behaving himself without dignity.
And that sheep had its eyes opened, and saw this buck which was among the sheep departing from his honor, and beginning to butt those sheep, and to tramp on them, and to walk unseemly.
And that sheep whose eyes were opened saw that ram, which was amongst the sheep, till it †forsook its glory† and began to butt those sheep, and trampled upon them, and behaved itself unseemly.
Men det förra fåret öppnade sina ögon och såg väduren midt ibland dem, hvilken hade lagt åsido sin herrlighet. Och han började att slå fåren, trampande på dem och uppförande sig utan värdighet.
Men det förra fåret öppnade sina ögon och såg väduren midt ibland dem, hvilken hade lagt åsido sin herrlighet. Och han började att slå fåren, trampande på dem och uppförande sig utan värdighet.