Förra Kapitlet
Parallel Translations
Innehåll ~ Förord ~ 24 Kapitlet ~ Jämför ~ Noter

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1. I went from there to another place, and saw a mountain of fire flashing both by day and night.

1. And from there I went to another place of the earth; and he showed me a mountain-chain of fire which flamed day and night.

1. And from thence I went to another place of the earth, and he showed me a mountain range of fire which burnt day and night.

1. Jag gick derifrån till ett annat ställe, och såg ett berg af eld, som flammade natt och dag.

1. Därifrån gick jag till en annan trakt af jorden, och han visade mig en bergsträcka af eld, som flammade natt och dag.

2. I proceeded towards it; and perceived seven splendid mountains, which were all different from each other. Their stones were brilliant and beautiful; all were brilliant and splendid to behold; and beautiful was their surface. Three mountains were towards the east, and strengthened by being placed one upon another; and three were towards the south, strengthened in a similar manner. There were likewise deep valleys, which did not approach each other.

2. And I went towards it and saw seven magnificent mountains, each one different from the other, and magnificent and beautiful rocks, everything magnificent and fine in appearance and of beautiful surface; three towards the east, one founded upon the other, and three towards the south, one founded upon the other, and ravines, deep and winding, not one joining with the other.

2. And I went beyond it and saw seven magnificent mountains all differing each from the other, and the stones (thereof) were magnificent and beautiful, magnificent as a whole, of glorious appearance and fair exterior: three towards the east, one founded on the other, and three towards the south, one upon the other, and deep rough ravines, no one of which joined with any other.

2. Jag nalkades detsamma, och blef varse sju lysande berg, hvilka alla voro skilda från hvarandra. Deras stenar voro glänsande och sköna. Allt var präktigt och lysande att se, och skön var deras yta. Tre berg voro österut; befästade derigenom, att de voro ställde det ena på det andra. Och tre voro söderut, befästade på ett lika sätt. Der voro likaledes djupa dalar, hvilka icke kommo hvarandra nära,

2. Och jag gick fram och såg sju ståtliga berg af praktfulla, vackra stenar, det ena olikt det andra, alla präktiga och af ett härligt utseende och ett skönt yttre, tre i öster och tre i söder, och det ena reste sig högre än det andra, och mellan dem slingrade sig jämsides löpande djupa dalar.

3. And the seventh mountain was in the midst of them. In length they all resembled the seat of a throne, and odoriferous trees surrounded them.

3. And the seventh hill was between these; and in their heights they were all like the seats of a throne and surrounded with fragrant trees.

3. And the seventh mountain was in the midst of these, and it excelled them in height, resembling the seat of a throne: and fragrant trees encircled the throne.

3. och det sjunde berget var i midten af dem. Slutligen liknade de alla sätet af en thron, och välluktande träd omgåfvo dem.

3. Och det sjunde berget var i midten, och dess spets liknade en tron, omgifven af välluktande träd.

4. Among these there was a tree of an unceasing smell; nor of those which were in Eden was there one of all the fragrant trees which smelt like this. Its leaf, its flower, and its bark never withered, and its fruit was beautiful. Its fruit resembled the cluster of the palm.

4. And among them was a tree such as I had never smelt before, neither among these nor among others; nor was there a fragrance like its; its leaves and buds and wood do not wither in eternity; its fruit is beautiful, like the fruit of the vine and the palm-tree.

4. And amongst them was a tree such as I had never yet smelt, neither was any amongst them nor were others like it: it had a fragrance beyond all fragrance, and its leaves and blooms and wood wither not for ever: and its fruit is beautiful, and its fruit resembles the dates of a palm.

4. Ibland dessa var ett träd af en oupphörlig lukt; och af alla som voro i Eden fanns ej något träd, som luktade såsom detta. Dess löf, dess blommor och dess bark vissnade aldrig, och dess frukt var skön. Dess frukt liknade palmens klase.

4. Och bland dem fanns ett med en doft, hvars like jag ännu aldrig hade känt och hvars blad och blommor icke vissna i evighet och vars ved aldrig multnar och vars frukter äro sköna och likna palmdruvor.

5. I exclaimed, Behold! This tree is goodly in aspect, pleasing in its leaf, and the sight of its fruit is delightful to the eye.

5. And at that time I said: "Behold, this is a beautiful tree and beautiful to look at, and its leaves are fair, and its fruit very pleasant to the eye."

5. Then I said: 'How beautiful is this tree, and fragrant, and its leaves are fair, and its blooms very delightful in appearance.'

5. Jag ropade: Se, detta träd är praktfullt till utseendet, skönt till sina löf, och åsynen af dess frukt är angenäm för ögat.

5. Denna gång sade jag: Se hvilket skönt träd, härligt att skåda, och ljufligt äro dess blad och kostelig dess frukt!

6. Then Michael, one of the holy and glorious angels who were with me, and one who presided over them, answered,

6. At that time answered Michael, one of the holy and honored angels, who was with me, who was over them [i.e. the trees].

6. Then answered Michael, one of the holy and honoured angels who was with me, and was their leader.

6. Då svarade Michael, en af de heliga och herrliga änglar, som voro med mig, och en, som styrde öfver dem.

6. Då svarade mig Mikael, en af de heliga och ärade änglarna, hvilken var satt öfver de bergen och de träden.

Förra Kapitlet

Parallel Translations
24 Kapitlet

Nästa Kapitel

Enoch the Prophet 1821 | Book of Enoch 1882 | Book of Enoch 1912 | Ethiopian Book of Enoch | Mashafa Henok | Mäshäfä Henok | Propheten Enoch 1826 | Henochs Bok 1901 | Interlinear | Jämför | Jämför Ge'ez | Sök | Gästbok | Biblisk Kosmologi | Ramar | Utan ramar

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