2. There I beheld choice trees, (32) particularly, those which produce the sweet-smelling opiate, frankincense and myrrh; and trees unlike to each other. (32) Choice trees. Literally, "trees of judgment" (Laurence, p. 35; Knibb, p. 117). |
2. And there I saw trees of judgment, especially those that emitted the fragrance of frankincense and myrrh, and they were not like ordinary trees.
2. And there I saw aromatic trees exhaling the fragrance of frankincense and myrrh, and the trees also were similar to the almond tree.
2. Der såg jag träd af bestämt värde, i synnerhet dem, som frambringa välluktande droger, rökelse och Myrrha, och trän olika hvarandra.
2. Der såg jag träd af bestämt värde, i synnerhet dem, som frambringa välluktande droger, rökelse och Myrrha, och trän olika hvarandra.