observed how the trees cover themselves with the green of the leaves and bear fruit; but observe ye all this and learn how he who lives forever has made all these for you;
2. how his works are before him in every year that comes, and all his works serve him and are not changed, but as God has ordained, so everything takes place.
3. And see how the seas and the rivers together accomplish their work.
4. But ye have not persevered and have not done the commandment of the Lord, but have transgressed, and have slandered his greatness with high and hard words from your unclean mouths. Ye hard-hearted, ye will have no peace.
5. And therefore ye will curse your days, and the years of your lives perish; the everlasting curse will increase and ye will receive no mercy.
6. On that day ye will give away your peace for an everlasting curse to all the just, and they will ever curse you as sinners, you together with the sinners.
7. but for the chosen there will be light and joy and peace, and they will inherit the earth, but for you, the impious, there will be a curse.
Matt. 5:5 Compare
8. And then also wisdom will be given to the chosen, and they will all live and not continue to sin; neither through wickedness nor through pride; but they in whom there is wisdom will be humble without continuing to sin.
9. And they will not be punished all the days of their lives, and will not die through plagues or judgments of wrath, but the number of the days of their lives will be completed, and their lives will become old in peace, and the years of their joy will be many in everlasting happiness and peace, for all the days of their lives.