The End Time and its Preparations
This website watches the end time events from a Pentecostal/Word of Faith/Charismatic viewpoint, especially covering the UFO-phenomenon and its connection to Genesis 6 in the Bible.




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A Vision - Jesus wearing the Crown of the High Priest, in a Merkaba
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Military Witnesses of UFOs at Nuclear Sites - National Press Club, 27 September 2010
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This is the Message of the Jerusalem Angel
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Jerusalem Angel - Map over sightings
Joe Jordan - Unholy Communion 2009
Christian Symposium on Aliens Panel Discussion 2-1
Excerpt from The Jewish War, by Flavius Josephus
Chuck Missler on Sid Roth 1-3 UFOs and the Nephilim, 2009
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A Vision - Jesus wearing the Crown of the High Priest, in a Merkaba
Updated 30-09-2011

The following are three posts from the guestbook on my Swedish website. I have translated them, as they have some interesting content, with Divine backing up of what I am writing about on this site. (Remember: These signs are given that we might believe, not to glorify any human being.)

A Vision
May 2, 2009 - I think I just had a vision. I saw a great crowd in heaven, or the heavenlies, dressed colorfully, and I was among them. In front of us Jesus were standing, in a glorious royal crown, talking to some of those at the right side of me. Then he turned his head, saw me, and pointing at me said: There you are. You knew it all the time!

And I knew exactly what he meant. And I started to laugh and cry at the same time (not in the vision but here, on this side of Glory).

You can read about what he meant here:

Come to think about it now, that earlier in the evening I had prayed to be allowed to look into the heavenly world. Obviously my prayer was answered.

A Crystal Dome

Click on the image to see it in original size

May 3, 2009 - There is a little more to say about the vision I had yesterday evening. In spite of it only lasting a couple of seconds, I still remember very clearly what I saw, and where I was: That we were somewhere up high, but not in the heavenly home, but in space.

Beyond those who were standing on my right side I looked out, and there was no ground. And the same thing above us, I didn't look straight up, but a bit over their heads, and there was dark space and something that looked like nebulas in the background. Thus we must have been aboard a spaceship. If it had walls and roof, they must have been transparent, so that you could see right out. (There were no reflections.) Where we stood we were surrounded by bright light in different colors, like on a stage with spotlights.

And there, in the front, about 15 meters from us, Jesus were standing, in his golden, shining crown. I have been looking on the internet for such a crown now, but haven't been able to find one resembling this one. It had sort of a tongue at the front, that rose over his head. He was tall, and unbelievably beautiful to behold, so majestic, such authority, such royal worthiness. He was in his human body. I think he had a blue-shimmering, and white, long tunic. He spoke and explained something to the crowd I was standing among. And so he slowly turned his head in my direction and let his eyes slide over those who stood there. And so his eyes stopped at me, and he said what I told earlier: "There you are. You knew it all the time!"

Knew what, you might wonder? Well, where we were, and why we were there.

Afterwards I have come to think about that there is evidence for such a transparent craft in the Bible, and also in the Book of Enoch. But that wasn't anything I thought about or related to right after seeing this. But now I am reminded that the vehicle Ezekiel saw had a transparent expanse at the top:

"And a likeness [is] over the heads of the living creatures of an expanse, as the colour of the fearful ice, stretched out over their heads from above." (Ez. 1:22
, Young's Literal.)

And somewhere in the Book of Enoch, he tells of an experience in a large "house" in heaven, where he saw stars and lightnings, when he looked up into the roof of the building. A translucent roof thus - like a dome of glass.

"Its ceiling was like the path of the stars and the lightnings, and between them were fiery cherubim, and their heaven was (clear as) water." (Enoch 14:11

But in heaven we are supposed to have white clothes? The ones I saw had clothes in all colors. But perhaps we weren't in heaven yet, but on our way. Shortly after the rapture. If you look closer at all the scriptures about angels, clouds, resurrection, etc, you will realize that the flight of the Bride of Christ to Heaven must be made with heavenly vehicles. Jesus himself was taken by angels to heaven. He who has all the power in heaven and earth must be transported? Yes, as he still wears, and forever will wear his human body, that is how it must be. Glorified, and yet, still, human. And he was the first-born among many brethren, so the same circumstances apply for us. We shall be like him. And we shall become like the angels. And the angels do have vehicles, many thousands of chariots. And the Lord himself has got one, the chariot of the four Cherubs. With a distended dome of something resembling crystal.

The thing is clear, crystal clear.

The photo above gives some idea of what I saw. If one takes away all the metal rails along the sides, and just keep the glass, it will correspond quite well, even the color tone, to the place, or the room, where I was in the vision, together with the other people. I don't know how it looked in the roof, as I didn't look straight up. Where there are some people sitting, is where Jesus were standing, but I didn't see what was behind him.

The Golden Crown of the High Priest
February 28, 2011 - A while ago I wrote about a vision, where among other things I saw Jesus, in what I thought was a royal crown, with a tongue that rose in the front. I also mentioned that I was looking online to find a picture of such a crown, but not being able to find one. I also mentioned about the clothes Jesus wore, that he had a "blue shimmering and white", long tunic. If you want to believe me or not, but I did not know then, that those clothes and that crown is just what the Hebrew high priests wore in the temple service. In my vision I saw no such connection either, but, as I said, I just understood Jesus as a king with beautiful clothes. (My ignorant heathen.)

Tonight, for the first time since then, I saw such a crown, and guess where: At the Temple Institute in Jerusalem! It appears in a Youtube-video about the new temple, and it has precisely such a tongue at the front, as I saw. And then you know that when I have read about the headdress of the high priests in the OT, I have always imagined the "plate" they wore at the front as rectangular, and not tongue-shaped. So what I saw in the vision goes along with the Jewish conception, and with what they in these days are preparing for the coming temple.

I must admit that I shouted out loud when I saw it, as if I had seen an angel or something. To see it right there, in the preparations for the new temple. What a confirmation!

Video from the Temple Institute
Here is the Temple Institute video:

More on the crown and the other things:

Reflect: Now if those details of the vision were real, don't you think the others also were real? Those with the vehicle with the crystal dome?

Even more:

The old crown (before 2007), that looked nothing like the one I saw:

Strange sync between them and me thus. What might this mean for the future?

Created 30/09 2011, 01:01. Latest edited 30-09-2011, 02:52

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