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The Concluding Section of the Book: God and the Messiah to dwell with Man.

The Concluding Section of the Book: God and the Messiah to dwell with Man.

And in those days, says the Lord, "they will call and testify over the sons of the earth concerning their wisdom: show it to them, for ye are their leaders, and the rewards over all the earth.
nd in those days, says the Lord, "they will call and testify over the sons of the earth concerning their wisdom: show it to them, for ye are their leaders, and the rewards over all the earth.    

For I and my son will join with them to eternity in the paths of rectitude in their lives. And peace will be to you; rejoice, ye children of rectitude, in truth!"
2. For I and my son will join with them to eternity in the paths of rectitude in their lives. And peace will be to you; rejoice, ye children of rectitude, in truth!"    

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