nd in those days the prayer of the just, and the blood of the just one ascend from the earth before the Lord of the spirits.
2. In these days the holy ones, who dwell in high heaven, will unite in one voice, and will petition and pray and praise and thank and bless the name of the Lord of the spirits, on account of the blood of the just which has been spilled, and the prayer of the just, that it may not be in vain before the Lord of the spirits, that judgment may be held over them, and they not suffer to eternity.
3. And in those days I saw the Head of days, as he sat upon the throne of his glory, and the books of the living were opened before him, and his whole host, which is in high heaven and around him, stood before him.
Rev. 20:11-12 Compare
4. And the hearts of the holy ones were filled with joy, because the number of justice was fulfilled and the prayers of the just had been heard and the blood of the just one had been demanded before the Lord of the spirits.