nd there my eyes saw a deep valley, whose mouth was open, and all those who dwell upon the earth and sea and islands will bring him gifts and presents and tokens of submission, but that deep valley will not be filled.
2. And they commit crimes with their hands, and everything they make they devour criminally, they, the sinners; but they will be destroyed in the presence of the Lord of the spirits, they, the sinners, and will be chased from off the face of his earth continually to all eternity.
3. For I have seen the angels of punishment, going and preparing all the instruments for Satan.
Enoch 66:1 Compare
4. And I asked the angel of peace who went with me: "These instruments, for whom have they been prepared?"
5. And he said to me: "These are prepared for the kings and the mighty of this earth that they be destroyed with them.
6. And after this the Just and Chosen One will cause the house of his congregation to appear; henceforth it will not be hindered in the name of the Lord of the spirits.
7. And these mountains will be in his presence like the earth, and the hills will be like a fountain of water, and the just will rest from the oppression of the sinners."