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Book of Enoch: The Final Translation of Enoch.

Book of Enoch: The Final Translation of Enoch.

And it came to pass after this that his name was elevated during his lifetime to that Son of Man, to the Lord of the spirits, away from those who dwell on the earth.
nd it came to pass after this that his name was elevated during his lifetime to that Son of Man, to the Lord of the spirits, away from those who dwell on the earth.    

And it was elevated on the wagons of the spirit, and the name departed in their midst.
2. And it was elevated on the wagons of the spirit, and the name departed in their midst.   Enoch 14:8
. Enoch 39:3
. Enoch 52:1
. 2 Kings 2:11
. Ezek. 1:4
. Acts. 1:9-11

And from that day I was not drawn in their midst, and he set me between two winds, between the north and the west, there where the angels took the cords to measure for me the place for the chosen and for the just.
3. And from that day I was not drawn in their midst, and he set me between two winds, between the north and the west, there where the angels took the cords to measure for me the place for the chosen and for the just.    

And there I saw the first fathers and the just, who dwell in this place from the beginning.
4. And there I saw the first fathers and the just, who dwell in this place from the beginning.    

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