The Dream-Vision: 1-9 The Deluge and the Deliverance of Noah. 10-27 From the Death of Noah to the Exodus. 28-40 Israel in the Desert, the Giving of the Law, the Entrance into Palestine. 41-50 From the Time of the Judges till the Building of the Temple. 51-67 The Two Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, to the Destruction of Jerusalem. 68-71 First Period of the Angelic Rulers ā€” from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Return from the Captivity. 72-77 Second Period ā€” from the time of Cyrus to that of Alexander the Great.
The Dream-Vision: 1-9 The Deluge and the Deliverance of Noah. 10-27 From the Death of Noah to the Exodus. 28-40 Israel in the Desert, the Giving of the Law, the Entrance into Palestine. 41-50 From the Time of the Judges till the Building of the Temple. 51-67 The Two Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, to the Destruction of Jerusalem. 68-71 First Period of the Angelic Rulers ā€” from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Return from the Captivity. 72-77 Second Period ā€” from the time of Cyrus to that of Alexander the Great.
And one of those four went to that white bullock, and taught him a mystery while he was trembling; he was born a bullock, and became a man, and he made for himself a large vessel, and lived in it; and three bullocks lived with him in that vessel, and it was covered over above them.

nd one of those four went to that white bullock, and taught him a mystery while he was trembling; he was born a bullock, and became a man, and he made for himself a large vessel, and lived in it; and three bullocks lived with him in that vessel, and it was covered over above them.
And I again raised my eyes towards heaven, and saw a high roof and seven sluices to it; and those sluices emptied much water into a yard.
2. And I again raised my eyes towards heaven, and saw a high roof and seven sluices to it; and those sluices emptied much water into a yard.
And I saw again, and behold fountains were opened on the earth, in that great yard; and that water began to swell, and to be lifted above the land, and caused that yard to disappear, until all the land was covered with water.
3. And I saw again, and behold fountains were opened on the earth, in that great yard; and that water began to swell, and to be lifted above the land, and caused that yard to disappear, until all the land was covered with water.
And the water and the darkness and the fog increased over it; and as I looked at the height of this water, this water was elevated over that yard, and emptied over the yard, and stood on the earth.
4. And the water and the darkness and the fog increased over it; and as I looked at the height of this water, this water was elevated over that yard, and emptied over the yard, and stood on the earth.
And all the bullocks which were in the yard were collected, so that I immediately saw how they sank down and came to naught, and were destroyed in that water.
5. And all the bullocks which were in the yard were collected, so that I immediately saw how they sank down and came to naught, and were destroyed in that water.
But that vessel swam on the water, and all the bullocks and elephants and camels and asses on the earth sank down, and all the animals; and I was not able to see them, and they were unable to come out, but were destroyed, and sank down into the abyss.
6. But that vessel swam on the water, and all the bullocks and elephants and camels and asses on the earth sank down, and all the animals; and I was not able to see them, and they were unable to come out, but were destroyed, and sank down into the abyss.
And again I saw in the vision till those sluices were put away from that high roof, and the fountains of the earth dried up, and other abysses were opened.
7. And again I saw in the vision till those sluices were put away from that high roof, and the fountains of the earth dried up, and other abysses were opened.
Then the water began to run into these till the earth became uncovered; but that vessel reached the earth, and the darkness retreated, and it became light.
8. Then the water began to run into these till the earth became uncovered; but that vessel reached the earth, and the darkness retreated, and it became light.
But that white bullock, which had become a man, came out of that vessel, and the three bullocks with him; and one of the three bullocks was white, similar to that [first] bullock, and one of them was red like blood, and one black; and that one, the white bullock, went away from them.
9. But that white bullock, which had become a man, came out of that vessel, and the three bullocks with him; and one of the three bullocks was white, similar to that [first] bullock, and one of them was red like blood, and one black; and that one, the white bullock, went away from them.
And they began to bring forth animals of the desert and birds, so that there arose out of them a varied diversity of kinds: lions and panthers and dogs and wolves and hyenas and wild boars and foxes and squirrels and hogs and falcons and vultures and buzzards and eagles and crows; and among them was born a white bullock.
10. And they began to bring forth animals of the desert and birds, so that there arose out of them a varied diversity of kinds: lions and panthers and dogs and wolves and hyenas and wild boars and foxes and squirrels and hogs and falcons and vultures and buzzards and eagles and crows; and among them was born a white bullock.
And they began to bite one another; but that white bullock which was born among them begat a wild ass and a white bullock with it; and the wild ass increased.
11. And they began to bite one another; but that white bullock which was born among them begat a wild ass and a white bullock with it; and the wild ass increased.
But that bull which was born from him begat a black wild boar and a white sheep; and this wild boar begat many boars, but that sheep produced twelve sheep.
12. But that bull which was born from him begat a black wild boar and a white sheep; and this wild boar begat many boars, but that sheep produced twelve sheep.
And when these twelve sheep had grown, they gave one of them to the asses, and these asses then gave that sheep to the wolves, and that sheep grew up among the wolves.
13. And when these twelve sheep had grown, they gave one of them to the asses, and these asses then gave that sheep to the wolves, and that sheep grew up among the wolves.
And the Lord brought the eleven sheep to live with it, and to pasture with it among the wolves; and they increased, and became many herds of sheep.
14. And the Lord brought the eleven sheep to live with it, and to pasture with it among the wolves; and they increased, and became many herds of sheep.
And the wolves began to fear, and oppressed them till they [the wolves] finally destroyed their [i.e. the sheep's] young, and threw their young into a stream of much water; but these sheep began to cry aloud, on account of their young, before the Lord.
15. And the wolves began to fear, and oppressed them till they [the wolves] finally destroyed their [i.e. the sheep's] young, and threw their young into a stream of much water; but these sheep began to cry aloud, on account of their young, before the Lord.
And a sheep which had been saved from the wolves fled, and escaped to the wild asses; and I saw the sheep as they lamented and cried and asked their Lord with all their power, till that Lord of the sheep descended at the voice of the sheep from his high abode, and came and looked after them.
16. And a sheep which had been saved from the wolves fled, and escaped to the wild asses; and I saw the sheep as they lamented and cried and asked their Lord with all their power, till that Lord of the sheep descended at the voice of the sheep from his high abode, and came and looked after them.
And he called to that sheep which had escaped from the wolves, and spoke with it concerning the wolves, that it should counsel them not to touch the sheep.
17. And he called to that sheep which had escaped from the wolves, and spoke with it concerning the wolves, that it should counsel them not to touch the sheep.
And that sheep went to the wolves by the voice of the Lord; and another sheep met that sheep, and went with it, and these two came together to the abode of those wolves, and spoke with them, and admonished them that henceforth they should not touch the sheep.
18. And that sheep went to the wolves by the voice of the Lord; and another sheep met that sheep, and went with it, and these two came together to the abode of those wolves, and spoke with them, and admonished them that henceforth they should not touch the sheep.
And then I saw the wolves, and how they exceedingly oppressed the sheep with all their power; and the sheep cried aloud.
19. And then I saw the wolves, and how they exceedingly oppressed the sheep with all their power; and the sheep cried aloud.
And their Lord came to the sheep, and began to beat those wolves, and the wolves began to lament; but the sheep became quiet, and from then on did not cry.
20. And their Lord came to the sheep, and began to beat those wolves, and the wolves began to lament; but the sheep became quiet, and from then on did not cry.
And I saw the sheep till they had gone away from the wolves, and the wolves were blinded as to their eyes, and those wolves went out that they might follow the sheep with all their power.
21. And I saw the sheep till they had gone away from the wolves, and the wolves were blinded as to their eyes, and those wolves went out that they might follow the sheep with all their power.
And the Lord of the sheep went with them, leading them, and all the sheep followed him; and his face was shining, and this appearance terrible and sublime.
22. And the Lord of the sheep went with them, leading them, and all the sheep followed him; and his face was shining, and this appearance terrible and sublime.
But the wolves commenced to follow those sheep till they reached them in a sea of water.
23. But the wolves commenced to follow those sheep till they reached them in a sea of water.
And this sea of water was divided, and the water stood from this side and from that before their faces; and their Lord leading them stood also between them and the wolves.
24. And this sea of water was divided, and the water stood from this side and from that before their faces; and their Lord leading them stood also between them and the wolves.
And as those wolves did not yet see the sheep, they went into the middle of the sea of water; and the wolves followed the sheep, and ran after them into the sea of water.
25. And as those wolves did not yet see the sheep, they went into the middle of the sea of water; and the wolves followed the sheep, and ran after them into the sea of water.
And when they saw the Lord of the sheep they turned that they might flee from before his face; but this sea of water gathered itself together, suddenly took again its own character, and the water swelled and rose till it covered those wolves.
26. And when they saw the Lord of the sheep they turned that they might flee from before his face; but this sea of water gathered itself together, suddenly took again its own character, and the water swelled and rose till it covered those wolves.
And I saw till all the wolves which had followed those sheep were destroyed, and sank down.
27. And I saw till all the wolves which had followed those sheep were destroyed, and sank down.
But the sheep escaped from that water, and went into the desert, where there was no water and no grass; and they began to open their eyes and to see; and I saw the Lord of the sheep pasturing them and giving them water and grass, and that [former] sheep going and leading them.
28. But the sheep escaped from that water, and went into the desert, where there was no water and no grass; and they began to open their eyes and to see; and I saw the Lord of the sheep pasturing them and giving them water and grass, and that [former] sheep going and leading them.
And this sheep ascended to the height of a high rock, and the Lord of the sheep sent it to them.
29. And this sheep ascended to the height of a high rock, and the Lord of the sheep sent it to them.
And after that I saw the Lord of the sheep as he stood before them; and his appearance was terrible and powerful, and all those sheep saw him, and were afraid before his face.
30. And after that I saw the Lord of the sheep as he stood before them; and his appearance was terrible and powerful, and all those sheep saw him, and were afraid before his face.
And they were all afraid, and trembled before him, and cried after that sheep which was with him to the other sheep which was among them: "We are not able to exist before our Lord, or to look at him."
31. And they were all afraid, and trembled before him, and cried after that sheep which was with him to the other sheep which was among them: "We are not able to exist before our Lord, or to look at him."
And that sheep which led them returned, and ascended to the height of that rock; but the sheep began to be blinded as to their eyes, and erred from the path which it had showed to them; but this sheep did not know it.
32. And that sheep which led them returned, and ascended to the height of that rock; but the sheep began to be blinded as to their eyes, and erred from the path which it had showed to them; but this sheep did not know it.
And the Lord of the sheep was enraged over them greatly; and that sheep discovered it, and descended from the height of the rock, and came to the sheep, and found the greater part of them blinded as to their eyes, and erring from his path.
33. And the Lord of the sheep was enraged over them greatly; and that sheep discovered it, and descended from the height of the rock, and came to the sheep, and found the greater part of them blinded as to their eyes, and erring from his path.
And as they saw it they feared and trembled before its face, and desired to return to their folds.
34. And as they saw it they feared and trembled before its face, and desired to return to their folds.
And that sheep took other sheep with it, and came to those erring sheep; and then it began to kill them, and the sheep feared its countenance; and thus that sheep brought back those erring sheep, and they returned to their folds.
35. And that sheep took other sheep with it, and came to those erring sheep; and then it began to kill them, and the sheep feared its countenance; and thus that sheep brought back those erring sheep, and they returned to their folds.
And I saw there in the vision till that sheep became a man, and built the Lord of the sheep a house, and placed all the sheep in that house.
36. And I saw there in the vision till that sheep became a man, and built the Lord of the sheep a house, and placed all the sheep in that house.
And I saw till that sheep that had met the sheep which led the sheep reposed [in death]; and I saw till all the large sheep were destroyed, and small ones arose in their places; and they came to a pasture, and approached a stream of water.
37. And I saw till that sheep that had met the sheep which led the sheep reposed [in death]; and I saw till all the large sheep were destroyed, and small ones arose in their places; and they came to a pasture, and approached a stream of water.
And this sheep which led them, and which became a man, was separated from them, and reposed [in death]; and all the sheep sought it, and cried over it exceedingly.
38. And this sheep which led them, and which became a man, was separated from them, and reposed [in death]; and all the sheep sought it, and cried over it exceedingly.
And I saw till they became quiet from their crying over this sheep, and they crossed that stream of water; and there always arose other sheep that led them in the place of those which had departed, and led them.
39. And I saw till they became quiet from their crying over this sheep, and they crossed that stream of water; and there always arose other sheep that led them in the place of those which had departed, and led them.
And I saw the sheep until they came into a good place, and into a pleasant and glorious land; and I saw these sheep till they were satisfied; but the house stood among them in the beautiful land.
40. And I saw the sheep until they came into a good place, and into a pleasant and glorious land; and I saw these sheep till they were satisfied; but the house stood among them in the beautiful land.
And sometimes their eyes were opened, and sometimes they were blinded, till another sheep arose, and led them, and conducted them all back, and their eyes were opened.
41. And sometimes their eyes were opened, and sometimes they were blinded, till another sheep arose, and led them, and conducted them all back, and their eyes were opened.
And the dogs and the foxes and the wild boars began to devour those sheep till another sheep arose, a buck, in their midst, which led them.
42. And the dogs and the foxes and the wild boars began to devour those sheep till another sheep arose, a buck, in their midst, which led them.
And this buck began to butt those dogs and those foxes and those wild boars from both sides, till he had destroyed them all.
43. And this buck began to butt those dogs and those foxes and those wild boars from both sides, till he had destroyed them all.
And that sheep had its eyes opened, and saw this buck which was among the sheep departing from his honor, and beginning to butt those sheep, and to tramp on them, and to walk unseemly.
44. And that sheep had its eyes opened, and saw this buck which was among the sheep departing from his honor, and beginning to butt those sheep, and to tramp on them, and to walk unseemly.
And the Lord of the sheep sent that sheep to another sheep, and exalted it to become a buck, and to lead the sheep in the place of that sheep which had deserted his honor.
45. And the Lord of the sheep sent that sheep to another sheep, and exalted it to become a buck, and to lead the sheep in the place of that sheep which had deserted his honor.
And it went to it, and spoke to it alone, and elevated it to become a buck, and made it the prince and leader of the sheep; but during all that time those dogs oppressed the sheep.
46. And it went to it, and spoke to it alone, and elevated it to become a buck, and made it the prince and leader of the sheep; but during all that time those dogs oppressed the sheep.
And the first buck pursued the second buck, and the second buck arose, and fled before its face; and I saw till those dogs cast down the first buck.
47. And the first buck pursued the second buck, and the second buck arose, and fled before its face; and I saw till those dogs cast down the first buck.
And that second buck arose, and led the smaller sheep,
48. And that second buck arose, and led the smaller sheep,
and this buck begat many sheep, and reposed [in death]; and a small sheep became the buck in its place, and was the prince and leader of those sheep. And those sheep grew and increased; and the dogs and the foxes and the wild boars were afraid, and fled before it; and that buck butted and killed all the wild beasts, and those wild beasts had no more power among the sheep, and never robbed them of anything.
49. and this buck begat many sheep, and reposed [in death]; and a small sheep became the buck in its place, and was the prince and leader of those sheep. And those sheep grew and increased; and the dogs and the foxes and the wild boars were afraid, and fled before it; and that buck butted and killed all the wild beasts, and those wild beasts had no more power among the sheep, and never robbed them of anything.
And that house became great and broad, and a large tower was built on that house of the Lord of the sheep for those sheep; and the house was low, but the tower was high and broad; and the Lord of the sheep stood on that tower, and they placed a full table before him.
50. And that house became great and broad, and a large tower was built on that house of the Lord of the sheep for those sheep; and the house was low, but the tower was high and broad; and the Lord of the sheep stood on that tower, and they placed a full table before him.
And I again saw those sheep that they again erred, and went many ways, and left their house; and the Lord of the sheep called some from among them, and sent them to the sheep, but the sheep began to kill them.
51. And I again saw those sheep that they again erred, and went many ways, and left their house; and the Lord of the sheep called some from among them, and sent them to the sheep, but the sheep began to kill them.
And one of them was saved, and was not killed, but escaped, and cried over the sheep; and they wanted to kill it, but the Lord of the sheep saved it out of the hands of the sheep, and brought it up to me, and caused it to dwell there.
52. And one of them was saved, and was not killed, but escaped, and cried over the sheep; and they wanted to kill it, but the Lord of the sheep saved it out of the hands of the sheep, and brought it up to me, and caused it to dwell there.
And he sent many other sheep to those sheep to admonish them, and to lament over them.
53. And he sent many other sheep to those sheep to admonish them, and to lament over them.
And after that I saw, as they left the house of the Lord of the sheep and his tower, they departed entirely, and their eyes were blinded; and I saw the Lord of the sheep that he caused much death among them in each one of their herds, til these sheep even called for this death, and they betrayed his place.
54. And after that I saw, as they left the house of the Lord of the sheep and his tower, they departed entirely, and their eyes were blinded; and I saw the Lord of the sheep that he caused much death among them in each one of their herds, til these sheep even called for this death, and they betrayed his place.
And he left them in the hand of the lions and tigers and wolves and jackals, and in the hand of foxes and all the wild beasts, and these wild beasts began to tear those sheep to pieces.
55. And he left them in the hand of the lions and tigers and wolves and jackals, and in the hand of foxes and all the wild beasts, and these wild beasts began to tear those sheep to pieces.
And I saw that he left that house of theirs and their tower and gave them all into the hand of lions that they should tear and devour them, into the hand of all the wild beasts.
56. And I saw that he left that house of theirs and their tower and gave them all into the hand of lions that they should tear and devour them, into the hand of all the wild beasts.
And I began to cry aloud with all my power, and called upon the Lord of the sheep and showed him this in reference to the sheep, that they were being devoured by all the wild beasts.
57. And I began to cry aloud with all my power, and called upon the Lord of the sheep and showed him this in reference to the sheep, that they were being devoured by all the wild beasts.
But he remained silent, seeing it, and rejoiced that they were devoured and swallowed and robbed, and left them in the hand of all the wild beasts as food.
58. But he remained silent, seeing it, and rejoiced that they were devoured and swallowed and robbed, and left them in the hand of all the wild beasts as food.
And he called seventy shepherds and put away those sheep, in order that they should pasture them, and he spoke to the shepherds and to their companions: "Each single one of you shall now pasture the sheep, and everything I command you, do!
59. And he called seventy shepherds and put away those sheep, in order that they should pasture them, and he spoke to the shepherds and to their companions: "Each single one of you shall now pasture the sheep, and everything I command you, do!
And I deliver them over to you according to number, and will tell you which of them shall be destroyed; those kill!" And he gave those sheep over to them.
60. And I deliver them over to you according to number, and will tell you which of them shall be destroyed; those kill!" And he gave those sheep over to them.
And to another he called and said to him: "Watch, and see everything that the shepherds do concerning these sheep; for they will destroy more of them than I have commanded.
61. And to another he called and said to him: "Watch, and see everything that the shepherds do concerning these sheep; for they will destroy more of them than I have commanded.
And each superabundance and the destruction which the shepherds do to these write down, how many they destroy by my command, and how many they destroy by their own will, and write down separately each destruction by each shepherd.
62. And each superabundance and the destruction which the shepherds do to these write down, how many they destroy by my command, and how many they destroy by their own will, and write down separately each destruction by each shepherd.
And according to the number recite before me how many they have destroyed of their own account and how many were given them for destruction, that this may be a testimony for me against them, that I may know every deed of the shepherds to give them over, and may see what they do, whether they do my commands which I have commanded them or not.
63. And according to the number recite before me how many they have destroyed of their own account and how many were given them for destruction, that this may be a testimony for me against them, that I may know every deed of the shepherds to give them over, and may see what they do, whether they do my commands which I have commanded them or not.
And they shall not know, and thou shalt not let them know nor admonish them, but write down all the destruction of the shepherds, each one in its time, and lay everything before me."
64. And they shall not know, and thou shalt not let them know nor admonish them, but write down all the destruction of the shepherds, each one in its time, and lay everything before me."
And I saw till those shepherds pastured in their times and began to kill and to destroy more than was commanded them, and left those sheep in the hands of the lions.
65. And I saw till those shepherds pastured in their times and began to kill and to destroy more than was commanded them, and left those sheep in the hands of the lions.
And the lions and the tigers devoured and swallowed the greater part of those sheep, and the wild boars devoured with them; and they burned that tower and demolished that house.
66. And the lions and the tigers devoured and swallowed the greater part of those sheep, and the wild boars devoured with them; and they burned that tower and demolished that house.
And I mourned a great deal over that tower because that house of the sheep was demolished; and after that I could no longer see those sheep whether they entered that house.
67. And I mourned a great deal over that tower because that house of the sheep was demolished; and after that I could no longer see those sheep whether they entered that house.
And the shepherds and their companions delivered over those sheep to all the wild beasts to devour them, and each one of them received in his time a certain number, and of each one the other wrote down in a book how many he destroyed.
68. And the shepherds and their companions delivered over those sheep to all the wild beasts to devour them, and each one of them received in his time a certain number, and of each one the other wrote down in a book how many he destroyed.
And each one killed and destroyed more than was ordered him; and I began to cry and to lament exceedingly concerning those sheep.
69. And each one killed and destroyed more than was ordered him; and I began to cry and to lament exceedingly concerning those sheep.
And in the vision I saw that scribe as he wrote each one that was destroyed by those shepherds on each day and brought up and opened and showed this whole book to the Lord of the sheep, everything that they had done and every one that each single one had removed and every one that they had handed over for destruction,
70. And in the vision I saw that scribe as he wrote each one that was destroyed by those shepherds on each day and brought up and opened and showed this whole book to the Lord of the sheep, everything that they had done and every one that each single one had removed and every one that they had handed over for destruction,
And the book was read before the Lord of the sheep, and he took the book in his hand, and read it and sealed it and laid it down.
71. And the book was read before the Lord of the sheep, and he took the book in his hand, and read it and sealed it and laid it down.
And after that I saw that shepherds pastured twelve hours, and behold, three of those sheep turned around and came and entered and began to build everything that was demolished of the house, but the wild boars attempted to hinder them, and they could not.
72. And after that I saw that shepherds pastured twelve hours, and behold, three of those sheep turned around and came and entered and began to build everything that was demolished of the house, but the wild boars attempted to hinder them, and they could not.
And they again began to build, as before, and put up that tower, and it was called &ā€¯the high tower"; and they again began to place a table before that tower, and all the bread on it was unclean and not pure.
73. And they again began to build, as before, and put up that tower, and it was called &ā€¯the high tower"; and they again began to place a table before that tower, and all the bread on it was unclean and not pure.
And concerning all this the sheep were blinded as to their eyes, and did not see, and their shepherds likewise; and a great many were delivered to their shepherds for destruction, and they trod on the sheep with their feet and devoured them.
74. And concerning all this the sheep were blinded as to their eyes, and did not see, and their shepherds likewise; and a great many were delivered to their shepherds for destruction, and they trod on the sheep with their feet and devoured them.
And the Lord of the sheep remained quiet till all the sheep were scattered in the field and mixed themselves with them and did not save them from the hands of the wild beasts.
75. And the Lord of the sheep remained quiet till all the sheep were scattered in the field and mixed themselves with them and did not save them from the hands of the wild beasts.
And he who wrote the book brought it to the houses of the Lord of the sheep, and showed it and read it and petitioned him on their account and asked him, while showing him all the deeds of their shepherds and testifying before him against all the shepherds.
76. And he who wrote the book brought it to the houses of the Lord of the sheep, and showed it and read it and petitioned him on their account and asked him, while showing him all the deeds of their shepherds and testifying before him against all the shepherds.
And he took the book and laid it beside him, and departed.
77. And he took the book and laid it beside him, and departed.
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