The Concluding Section of the Book: 1-11. 18-19 Enoch's Admonition to his Children. 12-17 The Last Three Weeks.*
The Concluding Section of the Book: 1-11. 18-19 Enoch's Admonition to his Children. 12-17 The Last Three Weeks.*
And now, my son Mathusala, call to me all your brethren, and assemble for me all the children of your mother; for a voice calls me, and the spirit is poured out upon me, that I may show you everything which shall happen to you for ever.

nd now, my son Mathusala, call to me all your brethren, and assemble for me all the children of your mother; for a voice calls me, and the spirit is poured out upon me, that I may show you everything which shall happen to you for ever.
Then Mathusala went, called to him all his brethren, and assembled his kindred.
2. Then Mathusala went, called to him all his brethren, and assembled his kindred.
And conversing with all his children in truth, Enoch said, Hear, my children, every word of your father, and listen in uprightness to the voice of my mouth; for I would gain your attention, while I address you. My beloved, be attached to integrity, and walk in it.
3. And conversing with all his children in truth,
Enoch said, Hear, my children, every word of your father, and listen in uprightness to the voice of my mouth; for I would gain your attention, while I address you. My beloved, be attached to integrity, and walk in it.
Approach not integrity with a double heart; nor be associated with double-minded men: but walk, my children, in righteousness, which will conduct you in good paths; and be truth your companion.
4. Approach not integrity with a double heart; nor be associated with double-minded men: but walk, my children, in righteousness, which will conduct you in good paths; and be truth your companion.
For I know, that oppression will exist and prevail on earth; that on earth great punishment shall in the end take place; and that there shall be a consummation of all iniquity, which shall be cut off from its root, and every fabric raised by it shall pass away.
5. For I know, that oppression will exist and prevail on earth; that on earth great punishment shall in the end take place; and that there shall be a consummation of all iniquity, which shall be cut off from its root, and every fabric
raised by it shall pass away.
Iniquity, however, shall again be renewed, and consummated on earth. Every act of crime, and every act of oppression and impiety, shall be a second time embraced.
6. Iniquity, however, shall again be renewed, and consummated on earth. Every act of crime, and every act of oppression and impiety, shall be a second time embraced.
When therefore iniquity, sin, blasphemy, tyranny, and every evil work, shall increase, and when transgression, impiety, and uncleanness also shall increase, then upon them all shall great punishment be inflicted from heaven. The holy Lord shall go forth in wrath, and upon them all shall great punishment from heaven be inflicted. The holy Lord shall go forth in wrath, and with punishment, that he may execute judgment upon earth.
7. When therefore iniquity, sin, blasphemy, tyranny, and every
evil work, shall increase, and
when transgression, impiety, and uncleanness also shall increase,
then upon them all shall great punishment be inflicted from heaven. The holy Lord shall go forth in wrath, and upon them all shall great punishment from heaven be inflicted. The holy Lord shall go forth in wrath, and with punishment, that he may execute judgment upon earth.
In those days oppression shall be cut off from its roots, and iniquity with fraud shall be eradicated, perishing from under heaven.
8. In those days oppression shall be cut off from its roots, and iniquity with fraud shall be eradicated, perishing from under heaven.
Every place of strength (128) shall be surrendered with its inhabitants; with fire shall it be burnt. They shall be brought from every part of the earth, and be cast into a judgment of fire. They shall perish in wrath, and by a judgment overpowering them for ever.
9. Every place of strength
(128) shall be surrendered with its inhabitants; with fire shall it be burnt. They shall be brought from every part of the earth, and be cast into a judgment of fire. They shall perish in wrath, and by a judgment overpowering them for ever.
(128) Every place of strength. Or, "all the idols of the nations" (Knibb, p. 218). Rev. 20:9 Compare
Righteousness shall be raised up from slumber; and wisdom shall be raised up, and conferred upon them.
10. Righteousness shall be raised up from slumber; and wisdom shall be raised up, and conferred upon them.
Then shall the roots of iniquity be cut off; sinners perish by the sword; and blasphemers be annihilated everywhere. Those who meditate oppression, and those who blaspheme, by the sword shall perish.
11. Then shall the roots of iniquity be cut off; sinners perish by the sword; and blasphemers be annihilated everywhere. Those who meditate oppression, and those who blaspheme, by the sword shall perish.
Afterwards there shall be another week, the eighth (137) of righteousness, to which shall be given a sword to execute judgment and justice upon all oppressors. Sinners shall be delivered up into the hands of the righteous,
12. Afterwards there shall be another week, the eighth
(137) of righteousness, to which shall be given a sword to execute judgment and justice upon all oppressors. Sinners shall be delivered up into the hands of the righteous,
(137) The beginning of the eighth Millennium. Compare
who during its completion shall acquire habitations by their righteousness; and the house of the great King shall be established for celebrations for ever.
13. who during its completion shall acquire habitations by their righteousness; and the house of the great King shall be established for celebrations for ever.
After this, in the ninth week, shall the judgment of righteousness be revealed to the whole world. Every work of the ungodly shall disappear from the whole earth; the world shall be marked for destruction; and all men shall be on the watch for the path of integrity.
14. After this, in the ninth week, shall the judgment of righteousness be revealed to the whole world. Every work of the ungodly shall disappear from the whole earth; the world shall be marked for destruction; and all men shall be on the watch for the path of integrity.
And after this, on the seventh day of the tenth week, there shall be an everlasting judgment, which shall be executed upon the Watchers; and a spacious eternal heaven shall spring forth in the midst of the angels.
15. And after this, on the seventh day of the tenth week, there shall be an everlasting judgment, which shall be executed upon the Watchers; and a spacious eternal heaven shall spring forth in the midst of the angels.
The former heaven shall depart and pass away; a new heaven shall appear; and all the celestial powers shall shine with sevenfold splendour for ever.
16. The former heaven shall depart and pass away; a new heaven shall appear; and all the celestial powers
shall shine with sevenfold splendour for ever.
Isa. 30:26. Rev. 21:1 Compare
Afterwards likewise shall there be many weeks, which shall externally exist in goodness and in righteousness. Neither shall sin be named there for ever and for ever.
17. Afterwards likewise shall there be many weeks, which shall externally exist in goodness and in righteousness. Neither shall sin be named there for ever and for ever.
And now, my children, I will describe and point out to you the path of righteousness and the path of oppression. I will again point them out to you, that you may know what is to come.
18. And now, my children, I will describe and point out to you the path of righteousness and the path of oppression. I will again point them out to you, that you may know what is to come.
Hear now, my children, and walk in the path of righteousness, but shun that of oppression; for all who walk in the path of iniquity shall perish for ever.
19. Hear now, my children, and walk in the path of righteousness, but shun that of oppression; for all who walk in the path of iniquity shall perish for ever.
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