The Concluding Section of the Book: The Apocalypse of Weeks.
The Concluding Section of the Book: The Apocalypse of Weeks.
And after that Enoch commenced to relate out of the books.

nd after that Enoch commenced to relate out of the books.
And Enoch said: "Concerning the children of justice and concerning the chosen of the world and concerning the plant of justice and of rectitude, of these I will speak to you and announce to you, my children, I, Enoch, as it has appeared to me in a vision from heaven, and what I learned through the voice of the holy angels and understood from the tablets of heaven."
2. And Enoch said: "Concerning the children of justice and concerning the chosen of the world and concerning the plant of justice and of rectitude, of these I will speak to you and announce to you, my children, I, Enoch, as it has appeared to me in a vision from heaven, and what I learned through the voice of the holy angels and understood from the tablets of heaven."
Dan. 4:13. Dan. 4:17 Compare
And Enoch commenced to relate from the books, and said: "I was born the seventh in the first week, while judgment and justice were yet retarded.
3. And Enoch commenced to relate from the books, and said: "I was born the seventh in the first week, while judgment and justice were yet retarded.
And there will arise after me in the second week great evil, and destruction will spring up; and in it there will be the first end; and in it a man will be saved; and after it is finished injustice will grow, and he will make a law for the sinners.
4. And there will arise after me in the second week great evil, and destruction will spring up; and in it there will be the first end; and in it a man will be saved; and after it is finished injustice will grow, and he will make a law for the sinners.
And after that, in the third week, in the end thereof, a man will be chosen as a plant of the judgment of justice, and after him the plant of justice will come forever.
5. And after that, in the third week, in the end thereof, a man will be chosen as a plant of the judgment of justice, and after him the plant of justice will come forever.
And after that, in the fourth week, in the end thereof, visions of the holy and the just will be seen, and a law for all generations, and a court will be made for them.
6. And after that, in the fourth week, in the end thereof, visions of the holy and the just will be seen, and a law for all generations, and a court will be made for them.
And after that, in the fifth week, in the end thereof, a house of glory and of supremacy will be built to eternity.
7. And after that, in the fifth week, in the end thereof, a house of glory and of supremacy will be built to eternity.
And after that, in the sixth week, those who will exist in it will all be blinded, and their hearts will all forget wisdom, and in it a man will ascend; and in the end thereof the house of supremacy will burn with fire, and the whole race of the chosen root will be cut off.
8. And after that, in the sixth week, those who will exist in it will all be blinded, and their hearts will all forget wisdom, and in it a man will ascend; and in the end thereof the house of supremacy will burn with fire, and the whole race of the chosen root will be cut off.
And after that, in the seventh week, a rebellious generation will arise, and many will be their deeds, and all their deeds will be rebellious.
9. And after that, in the seventh week, a rebellious generation will arise, and many will be their deeds, and all their deeds will be rebellious.
And in the end thereof the chosen just of the everlasting plant of justice will be rewarded; seven portions of learning are given to them concerning all his creatures.
10. And in the end thereof the chosen just of the everlasting plant of justice will be rewarded; seven portions of learning are given to them concerning all his creatures.
And who is there of all the children of men that is able to hear the voice of the Holy One, and does not tremble, and who is able to think his thoughts, and who that is able to see all the works of heaven?
11. And who is there of all the children of men that is able to hear the voice of the Holy One, and does not tremble, and who is able to think his thoughts, and who that is able to see all the works of heaven?
And how could one know the deeds of heaven and be able to see his breath and his spirit, and be able to relate it, or ascend and see all their ends, and think them or act like them?
12. And how could one know the deeds of heaven and be able to see his breath and his spirit, and be able to relate it, or ascend and see all their ends, and think them or act like them?
And who is the man that is able to know what the breadth and the length of the earth is, and to whom has the measure of them all been shown?
13. And who is the man that is able to know what the breadth and the length of the earth is, and to whom has the measure of them all been shown?
Or is there any man who is able to know the length of heaven, and what is its height, and upon what it is established, and what is the measure as regards the number of the stars, and where all the luminaries rest?
14. Or is there any man who is able to know the length of heaven, and what is its height, and upon what it is established, and what is the measure as regards the number of the stars, and where all the luminaries rest?
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