11. To Michael likewise the Lord said, Go and announce his crime to Samyaza, and to the others who are with him, who have been associated with women, that they might be polluted with all their impurity.
And God said to Michael: "Announce to Semjâzâ and to the others who are with him, who have bound themselves to women, to be destroyed with them in all their contamination.
And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness.
Till Michael sade likaledes Herren: Gå och förkunna för Samyaza hans brott och för de öfrige, som äro med honom, hvilka hafva haft umgänge med qvinnor, för att blifva besmittade med all deras orenhet.
Och till Mikael sade Gud: Kungör detta för Semjasa och hans stallbröder, som förenat sig med kvinnorna till att fördärfva sig med dem i all deras orenhet.