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1. After a time, my son Mathusala took a wife for his son Lamech. She became pregnant by him, and brought forth a child,

1. And after some days, my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him, and gave birth to a son.

1. And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore a son.

1. Efter någon tid tog min son Mathusala en hustru åt sin son Lamech. Hon blef hafvande af honom och framfödde et barn,

1. Efter någon tid tog min son Metusalah hustru åt sin son Lamek och hon blef hafvande och födde en son.

2. the flesh of which was as white as snow, and red as a rose; the hair of whose head was white like wool, and long; and whose eyes were beautiful. When he opened them, he illuminated all the house, like the sun; the whole house abounded with light.

2. His body was white as snow and red as the bloom of a rose, and the hair of his head was white as wool, and his eyes beautiful; and when he opened his eyes, they illuminated the whole house like the sun, and the whole house became exceedingly light.

2. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head †and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful†. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright.

2. hvars hud var hvit såsom snö, röd såsom en ros, hvars hufvudhår voro hvita likasom ull och långa, och hvars ögon voro sköna. När han öppnade dem, upplyste han hela huset likasom solen; hela huset öfverflödade af ljus.

2. Hans kropp var hvit som snö och röd som rosor, och håret på hans hufvud var hvitt som ull, och hans ögon voro sköna, och när han öppnade dem, vardt hela huset upplyst liksom af solen.

3. And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, opening also his mouth, he spoke to the Lord of righteousness.

3. And as he was taken from the hand of the midwife, he opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of justice.

3. And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and †conversed with† the Lord of righteousness.

3. Och då han blef tagen ifrån jordgummans hand, öppnade han äfven sin mun och talte till rättfärdighetens Herre.

3. Och när han togs ur jordgummans hand, upplät han sin mun och talade till rättfärdighetens Herre.

4. Lamech his father became afraid of him; and flying away came to his own father Mathusala,

4. And his father Lamech was afraid of him, and fled, and came to his father Methuselah.

4. And his father Lamech was afraid of him and fled, and came to his father Methuselah.

4. Då blef Lamech hans fader förfärad för honom, flydde bort och kom till sin fader Mathusala, och sade:

4. Och hans fader Lamek, blef rädd för honom och flydde och kom till sin fader, Metusalah,

5. and said, I have begotten a son, unlike to other children. He is not human; but, resembling the offspring of the angels of heaven, is of a different nature from ours, being altogether unlike to us. His eyes are bright as the rays of the sun; his countenance glorious,

5. And he said to him: "I have begotten a singular son, unlike a man, but similar to the children of the angels of heaven, and his creation is different, and not like ours, and his eyes are like the feet [i.e. rays] of the sun, his face glorious.

5. And he said unto him: 'I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike man, and resembling the sons of the God of heaven; and his nature is different and he is not like us, and his eyes are as the rays of the sun, and his countenance is glorious.

5. jag har aflat en son, olik andra barn. Han är icke mensklig, utan han liknar änglarnes från himmelen afföda och är af särskild natur, alldeles olik oss. Hans ögon äro klara såsom solens strålar, hans ansigte herrligt,

5. och sade till honom: Jag har födt en egendomlig son. Han är icke som en människa, utan liknar den öfre världens barn och är icke danad såsom vi. Hans ögon likna solens strålar, och hans ansikte skiner.

6. and he looks not as if he belonged to me, but to the angels. I am afraid, lest something miraculous should take place on earth in his days.

6. And it seems to me he is not from me, but from the angels; and I fear that wonderful things will happen in his days over the earth.

6. And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the angels, and I fear that in his days a wonder may be wrought on the earth.

6. och han ser ut, likasom han icke tillhörde mig, utan änglarne. Jag fruktar, att något underbart skall inträffa på jorden i hans dagar.

6. Och det tyckes mig, att han icke härstammar från mig, utan från änglarna, och jag fruktar, att det i hans dagar skall ske ett under på jorden.

7. And now, my father, let me entreat and request you to go to our progenitor Enoch, and learn from him the truth; for his residence is with the angels.

7. And now, my father, I am here petitioning and asking of thee that thou shouldst go to Enoch, our father, and hear of him the truth, for he has his dwelling-place with the angels."

7. And now, my father, I am here to petition thee and implore thee that thou mayest go to Enoch, our father, and learn from him the truth, for his dwelling-place is amongst the angels.'

7. Och nu, min fader, låt mig anropa och öfvertala dig att gå till vår stamfader Enoch och af honom få veta sanning, ty hans boning är hos änglarne.

7. Och nu, min fader, är jag här med den innerliga bönen till dig, att du ville gå till vår fader Henoch och utröna sanningen af honom, ty han har sin boning bland änglarna.

8. When Mathusala heard the words of his son, he came to me at the extremities of the earth; for he had been informed that I was there: and he cried out. I heard his voice, and went to him saying, Behold, I am here, my son; since you have come to me.

8. And when Methuselah had heard the words of his son, he came to me, at the ends of the earth, for he had heard that I was there, and cried aloud, and I heard his voice and came to him. And I said to him: "Behold, here I am, my son, because thou hast come to me."

8. And when Methuselah heard the words of his son, he came to me to the ends of the earth; for he had heard that I was there, and he cried aloud, and I heard his voice and I came to him. And 1 said unto him: 'Behold, here am I, my son, wherefore hast thou come to me? '

8. Då Mathusala hörde sin sons ord, kom han till mig vid jordens yttersta gränser, ty han hade fått veta, att jag var der; och han ropade. Jag hörde hans röst och gick till honom, sägande: se, jag är här, min son, eftersom du har kommit till mig.

8. Och när Metusalah hörde sin sons tal, kom han till mig till jordens ändar, ty han hade försport, att jag var där, och ropade. Och jag förnam hans röst och kom till honom och sade: Se, här är jag, min son, eftersom du har kommit till mig.

9. He answered and said, On account of a great event have I come to you; and on account of a sight difficult to be comprehended have I approached you.

9. And he answered and said to me: "I have come to thee concerning a great thing, and concerning a disturbing vision it is that I have approached.

9. And he answered and said: 'Because of a great cause of anxiety have I come to thee, and because of a disturbing vision have I approached.

9. Han svarade och sade: för en stor händelses skull har jag kommit till dig; och i anledning af en syn, som är svår att begripa, har jag nalkats dig.

9. Och han svarade mig och sade: I ett viktigt ärende har jag kommit till dig, och för en oroande företeelse har jag gått fram hit.

10. And now, my father, hear me; for to my son Lamech a child has been born, who resembles not him; and whose nature is not like the nature of man. His colour is whiter than snow; he is redder than the rose; the hair of his head is whiter than white wool; his eyes are like the rays of the sun; and when he opened them he illuminated the whole house.

10. And now, my father, hear me, for there has been born to my son Lamech a son, whose similarity and kind is not like the kind of men; his color is whiter than snow, and redder than the bloom of a rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool, and his eyes like the feet [i.e. rays] of the sun; and he opened his eyes, and they illuminated the whole house.

10. And now, my father, hear me: unto Lamech my son there hath been born a son, the like of whom there is none, and his nature is not like man's nature, and the colour of his body is whiter than snow and redder than the bloom of a rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool, and his eyes are like the rays of the sun, and he opened his eyes and thereupon lighted up the whole house.

10. Och nu min fader, hör mig, ty åt min son Lamech har ett barn blifvit födt, som icke liknar honom och hvars natur icke är lik menniskonatur. Hans färg är hvitare än snö; han är rödare än rosen; hans hufvudhår äro hvitare än hvit ull; hans ögon äro lika Solens strålar; och då han öppnade dem, upplyste han hela huset.

10. Och nu, min fader, hör mig! Åt min son Lamek föddes en son, hvars gestalt och skaplynne icke är såsom en människas. Hans hudfärg är hvit som snö och rödare än rosor, och hans hufvudhår hvitare än hvit ull och hans ögon likna solens strålar, och när han öppnade dem, lyste de upp hela huset.

11. When also he was taken from the hand of the midwife, he opened his mouth, and blessed the Lord of heaven.

11. And when he was taken from the hands of the midwife, he opened his mouth, and blessed the Lord of heaven.

11. And he arose in the hands of the midwife, and opened his mouth and blessed the Lord of heaven.

11. Också när han togs från jordgummans hand, öppnade han sin mun och välsignade himmelens Herre;

11. Och när han upptogs, öppnade han sin mun och prisade himmelens Herre.

12. His father Lamech feared, and fled to me, believing not that the child belonged to him, but that he resembled the angels of heaven. And behold I am come to you, that you might point out to me the truth.

12. And his father Lamech was afraid, and fled to me, and did not believe that he was from him, but that his similarity was from the angels of heaven; and behold I have come to thee that thou shouldst teach me justice [i.e. the truth]."

12. And his father Lamech became afraid and fled to me, and did not believe that he was sprung from him, but that he was in the likeness of the angels of heaven; and behold I have come to thee that thou mayest make known to me the truth.'

12. Hans fader Lamech blef förfärad och och flydde till mig, icke troende, att barnet tillhörde honom, utan att det liknade himmelens änglar. Och se, jag har kommit till dig, på det du måtte undervisa mig om sanningen.

12. Då blef hans fader, Lamek, förskräckt och flydde till mig, och han tror icke, att sonen härstammar från honon, utan att han är en afbild af himmelens änglar. Och se, jag har kommit till dig, att du må förkunna mig sanningen.

13. Then I, Enoch, answered and said, The Lord will effect a new thing upon the earth. This have I explained, and seen in a vision. I have shown you that in the generations of Jared my father, those who were from heaven disregarded the word of the Lord.

13. And I, Enoch, answered, and said to him: "The Lord will make new things on the earth, and this I know, and have seen in a vision, and I announce it to thee that in the generations of my father Jared some from the heights of heaven departed from the word of the Lord.

13. And I, Enoch, answered and said unto him: 'The Lord will do a new thing on the earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and make known to thee that in the generation of my father Jared some of the angels of heaven transgressed the word of the Lord.

13. Då svarade jag Enoch och sade: Herren skall verkställa ett nytt verk på jorden. Detta har jag förklarat och sett i en syn. Jag har visat dig, att under Jareds min faders tid de som voro från himmelen föraktade Herrens ord.

13. Och jag, Henoch, svarade och sade till honom: Nya ting skall Herren skapa på jorden, och det vet jag och har sett det i en syn och kungjort dig, att i min faders, Jereds, tidsålder några från himmelens höjd öfverträdde Herrens bud.

14. Behold they committed crimes; laid aside their class, and intermingled with women. With them also they transgressed; married with them, and begot children. (144)

(144) After this verse, one Greek papyrus adds, "who are not like spiritual beings, but creatures of flesh" (Milik, p. 210).

14. And behold, they committed sin, and departed from the law, and united themselves with women, and committed sin with them, and married some of them, and begat children from them.

14. And behold they commit sin and transgress the law, and have united themselves with women and commit sin with them, and have married some of them, and have begot children by them.

14. Se, de begingo brott, förglömde sin rang och beblandade sig med qvinnor; med dem begingo de äfven öfverträdelse, gifte sig med dem och aflade barn.

14. Och se, de syndade och bröto mot lagen och förenade sig med kvinnorna och begingo synd och togo hustrur och födde barn med dem.

15. And his posterity shall beget on the earth giants, not spiritual, but carnal. Upon the earth shall a great punishment be inflicted, and it shall be washed from all corruption.

15. [They beget on earth giants, not according to the spirit, but according to the flesh, and there will be great punishment on the earth, and the earth will be washed of all of its uncleanness.]

15. And they shall produce on the earth giants not according to the spirit, but according to the flesh, and there shall be a great punishment on the earth, and the earth shall be cleansed from all impurity.

15. Och hans afkomma skall afla på jorden jättar, icke andeliga utan kötsliga. På jorden skall ett stort straff verkställas, och den skall blifva renad från allt förderf.

15. Och hela jorden skall drabbas af undergång och en vattuflod komma, och det skall under ett år bliva stor förödelse.

16. A great destruction therefore shall come upon all the earth; a deluge, a great destruction, shall take place in one year.

16. And great destruction will be over all the earth, and there will be the water of a deluge, and a great destruction will be for one year.

16. Yea, there shall come a great destruction over the whole earth, and there shall be a deluge and a great destruction for one year.

16. En stor förödelse skall derföre komma öfver jorden, en syndaflod, en stor förödelse skall inträffa på ett år.

16. Den sonen, som vardt född åt eder, skall blifva kvar på jorden, och hans trenne söner skola räddas med honom. När alla människor på jorden dö, skall han och hans söner varda frälsta.

17. This child which is born to your son shall survive on the earth, and his three sons shall be saved with him. When all mankind who are on the earth shall die, he shall be safe.

17. This son who is born to thee will be left on the earth, and his three children will be saved with him; when all men who are on the earth shall die, he and his children will be saved.

17. And this son who has been born unto you shall be left on the earth, and his three children shall be saved with him: when all mankind that are on the earth shall die [he and his sons shall be saved].

17. Detta barn, hvilket är födt åt dig, skall öfverlefva på jorden, och hans tre söner skola blifva frälsta med honom. Då hela menniskoslägtet, som är på jorden, skall dö, skall han blifva räddad.

17. [De föda på jorden jättar, icke efter anden, utan efter köttet, och en svår straffdom skall komma öfver henne, och hon skall rentvås från all orenhet.]

18. Now therefore inform your son Lamech, that he who is born is his child in truth; and he shall call his name Noah, for he shall be to you a survivor. He and his children shall be saved from the corruption which shall take place in the world; from all the sin and from all the iniquity which shall be consummated on earth in his days.

18. And now announce to thy son Lamech that he who was born to him is in truth his son, and call his name Noah, for he will be a remnant of you; and he and his children will be saved from the destruction which will come over the earth on account of all the sins and all the injustice which will be completed in his days over the earth.

18. And now make known to thy son Lamech that he who has been born is in truth his son, and call his name Noah; for he shall be left to you, and he and his sons shall be saved from the destruction, which shall come upon the earth on account of all the sin and all the unrighteousness, which shall be consummated on the earth in his days.

18. Underrätta derföre din son Lamech, att den, som är född, är i sanning hans barn, och han skall kalla hans namn Noah, ty han skall öfverlefva eder. Han och hans barn skola blifva räddade från det förderf, som skall äga rum i verlden, från all synd och från all orättfärdighet, som skall begås på jorden i hans dagar.

18. Och nu, kungör din son Lamek, att den son, som föddes, verkligen är hans, och kalla honom Noah, ty han skall blifva kvar åt eder, och han och hans söner skola räddas från förgöringen, som skall komma öfver jorden för all den synd och orättvisa, som i hans dagar skola taga en ände.

19. Afterwards shall greater impiety take place than that which had been before consummated on the earth; for I am acquainted with holy mysteries, which the Lord himself has discovered and explained to me; and which I have read in the tablets of heaven.

19. And after that, injustice will exceed that which was first committed on the earth; for I know the mysteries of the holy ones, for he, the Lord, has showed me, and has instructed me, and I have read in the tablets of heaven.

19. And after that there shall be still more unrighteousness than that which was first consummated on the earth; for I know the mysteries of the holy ones; for He, the Lord, has showed me and informed me, and I have read (them) in the heavenly tablets.

19. Efteråt skall större ogudaktighet äga rum, än den som förut blifvit begången på jorden; ty jag äger kunskap om heliga hemligheter, hvilka Herren sjelf har upptäckt och förklarat för mig, och hvilka jag har läsit på himmelens skriftaflor.

19. Och därefter skall orättfärdigheten blifva ännu större, än den förut varit på jorden. Ty jag vet de heligas hemligheter, emedan Herren har låtit mig se dem och kungjort dem för mig, och på himmelens taflor har jag läst dem.

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