3. I saw also on the east another mountain as high as that; and between them there were deep, but not wide valleys. Water ran towards the mountain to the west of this; and underneath there was likewise another mountain.
And I saw towards the east another mountain of the same height, and between them a deep valley, but not broad: therein also water flowed along the mountain.
And I saw towards the east another mountain higher than this, and between them a deep and narrow ravine: in it also ran a stream underneath the mountain.
Jag såg äfven på östra sidan ett annat berg, lika så högt som detta, och imellan dem voro der djupa, men icke breda dalar. Vattnet rann emot berget på vestra sidan om detta, och der nedanföre var äfvenledes ett annat berg.
Och jag såg i öster ett annat berg (4) af samma höjd och mellan dem båda en djup, men icke bred dal (5), hvarest ett vatten flöt invid berget.