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1. From there I proceeded towards the east to the middle of the mountain in the desert, the level surface only of which I perceived. It was full of trees of the seed alluded to;

1. And from here I went towards the east, into the midst of the mountains of the desert, and saw only a plain. But it was filled with trees of this seed,

1. And thence I went towards the east, into the midst of the mountain range of the desert, and I saw a wilderness and it was solitary, full of trees and plants.

1. Derifrån begaf jag mig öster ut till midten af berget i öknen, hvars jemna yta jag allenast blef varse. Den var full af träd af det omtalta fröet,

1. Derifrån begaf jag mig öster ut till midten af berget i öknen, hvars jemna yta jag allenast blef varse. Den var full af träd af det omtalta fröet,

2. and water leaped down upon it.

2. and water dropped down over it from above.

2. And water gushed forth from above.

2. och vatten rann hastigt nedföre detsamma.

2. och vatten rann hastigt nedföre detsamma.

3. There appeared a cataract composed as of many cataracts both towards the west and towards the east. Upon one side were trees; upon the other water and dew.

3. It was seen that the water which it sucked up was strong, as towards the north, so towards the west, and as in all places, so water and dew also ascended from here.

3. Rushing like a copious watercourse [which flowed] towards the north-west it caused clouds and dew to ascend on every side.

3. Der syntes ett vattenfall, sammansatt likasom af många vattenfall både vesterut och österut. På ena sidan voro träd, på den andra vatten och dagg.

3. Der syntes ett vattenfall, sammansatt likasom af många vattenfall både vesterut och österut. På ena sidan voro träd, på den andra vatten och dagg.

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