1. They consider and behold every tree, how it appears to wither, and every leaf to fall off, except of fourteen trees, which are not deciduous; which wait from the old, to the appearance of the new leaf, for two or three winters.
I observed and saw how then all the trees appeared as if withered, and all their leaves are shaken off, except fourteen trees, whose leaves are not shaken off, but which abide with the old from two to three years, till the new come.
Observe and see how (in the winter) all the trees seem as though they had withered and shed all their leaves, except fourteen trees, which do not lose their foliage but retain the old foliage from two to three years till the new comes.
De undersöka och betrakta hvarje träd, huru det synes vissna, och hvarje löf falla utaf, utom fjorton träd, hvilka icke fälla sina löf, hvilka i två eller tre vintrar bibehålla det gamla löfvet, tills det nya blifver synligt.
Jag iakttog och såg huru då alla träd se ut, som om de vore torra, och alla deras blad äro affallna, utom på fjorton träd, som icke aflöfvas, utan vänta två eller tre år, tills det nya löfverket framkommer.