The First Parable: The Abode of the Righteous and of the Elect One: the Praises of the Blessed.
The First Parable: The Abode of the Righteous and of the Elect One: the Praises of the Blessed.
And it will come to pass in these days that the chosen and holy children will descend from the high heavens, and their seed will become one with the children of men.

nd it will come to pass in these days that the chosen and holy children will descend from the high heavens, and their seed will become one with the children of men.
In those days Enoch received books of zeal and of anger, and books of disturbance and of expulsion, and "mercy will not be upon them," said the Lord of the spirits.
2. In those days Enoch received books of zeal and of anger, and books of disturbance and of expulsion, and "mercy will not be upon them," said the Lord of the spirits.
And at that time, a cloud and a whirlwind seized me from the face of the earth, and carried me to the end of the heavens.
3. And at that time, a cloud and a whirlwind seized me from the face of the earth, and carried me to the end of the heavens.
Enoch 14:8. Enoch 52:1. Acts. 1:9-11. 2 Cor. 12:2-4 Compare
And here I saw another vision, the dwellings of the just and the resting-places of the holy.
4. And here I saw another vision, the dwellings of the just and the resting-places of the holy.
Here my eyes saw their dwellings with the angels, and their resting-places with the holy, and they asked and petitioned and prayed in behalf of the children of men, and justice like water flowed before them, and mercy like dew on the earth; thus it is among them to all eternity.
5. Here my eyes saw their dwellings with the angels, and their resting-places with the holy, and they asked and petitioned and prayed in behalf of the children of men, and justice like water flowed before them, and mercy like dew on the earth; thus it is among them to all eternity.
And in those days my eyes saw the place of the chosen of justice and of faith [fidelity], and how justice will be in their days, and the just and chosen without number before him to all eternity.
6. And in those days my eyes saw the place of the chosen of justice and of faith [fidelity], and how justice will be in their days, and the just and chosen without number before him to all eternity.
And I saw their dwelling under the wings of the Lord of the spirits; and all the just and chosen before him are ornamented as with the light of fire, and their mouths are full of blessings, and their lips praise the name of the Lord of the spirits, and justice before him will not cease.
7. And I saw their dwelling under the wings of the Lord of the spirits; and all the just and chosen before him are ornamented as with the light of fire, and their mouths are full of blessings, and their lips praise the name of the Lord of the spirits, and justice before him will not cease.
Rev. 19:1 Compare
Here I desired to dwell, and my soul longed for this place; here my portion has been before, for such is established concerning me before the Lord of the spirits.
8. Here I desired to dwell, and my soul longed for this place; here my portion has been before, for such is established concerning me before the Lord of the spirits.
And in those days I blessed and exalted the name of the Lord of the spirits with blessings and praise, for he has strengthened me in blessing and praise according to the will of the Lord of the spirits.
9. And in those days I blessed and exalted the name of the Lord of the spirits with blessings and praise, for he has strengthened me in blessing and praise according to the will of the Lord of the spirits.
For a long time my eyes looked at this place, and I blessed him, saying: "Bless him, and let him be blessed from the beginning and to eternity!
10. For a long time my eyes looked at this place, and I blessed him, saying: "Bless him, and let him be blessed from the beginning and to eternity!
Before him there is no ceasing; he knows, before the world was created, what the world is, and will be from generation to generation.
11. Before him there is no ceasing; he knows, before the world was created, what the world is, and will be from generation to generation.
Thee they praise who do not sleep; they stand before thy glory, and bless and glorify and exalt thee, saying: 'Holy! Holy! Holy! the Lord of the spirits fills the earth with spirits.'"
12. Thee they praise who do not sleep; they stand before thy glory, and bless and glorify and exalt thee, saying: 'Holy! Holy! Holy! the Lord of the spirits fills the earth with spirits.'"
And here my eyes saw all those who do not sleep, standing before him and blessing him, and they say: "Blessed art thou, and blessed the name of the Lord to all eternity."
13. And here my eyes saw all those who do not sleep, standing before him and blessing him, and they say: "Blessed art thou, and blessed the name of the Lord to all eternity."
And my face was changed until I could see no more.
14. And my face was changed until I could see no more.
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