nd this is the second Parable concerning those who deny the name of the dwelling-place of the holy and of the Lord of the spirits.
2. They will not ascend to heaven, and will not come on the earth; such will be the portion of the sinners who deny the name of the Lord of the spirits, who are thus preserved to the day of suffering and sorrow.
3. On that day the chosen One will sit upon the throne of glory, and will choose among their [i.e. men's] deeds and places without number, and their spirit will become strong in them when they see my Chosen One and those who have called upon my holy and glorious name.
Matt. 25:31-32 Compare
4. And on that day I will cause my Chosen One to dwell among them, and will transform heaven and make it a blessing and a light eternally.
Rev. 7:15 Compare
5. And I will transform the earth and make it a blessing, and will cause my chosen ones to dwell thereon; and those who have committed sins and crimes will not step on it.
6. For I have seen and satisfied with peace my just ones, and have placed them before me; but for the sinners there awaits before me a judgment, that I may destroy them from the face of the earth.
*) Net edition: R. H. Charles titled this chapter "the New Heaven and the New Earth" - but this chapter depicts the renewing of the earth at the beginning of the millennial reign, as can be seen in verse 3.