Förra Kapitlet
Parallel Translations
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1. In that place I beheld a fountain of righteousness, which never failed, encircled by many springs of wisdom. Of these all the thirsty drank, and were filled with wisdom, having their habitation with the righteous, the elect, and the holy.

Rev. 21:6

1. And at that place I saw an inexhaustible fountain of justice; and around it many fountains of wisdom, and all the thirsty drank out of them and were filled with wisdom, and their dwelling-places were with the just and holy and chosen.

Rev. 21:6

1. And in that place I saw the fountain of righteousness Which was inexhaustible: And around it were many fountains of wisdom; And all the thirsty drank of them, And were filled with wisdom, And their dwellings were with the righteous and holy and elect.

Rev. 21:6

1. På detta ställe såg jag de rättfärdigas källa, hvilken aldrig uttorkar, omgifven af många vishetskällor. Af dessa drucko alla de törstiga och blefvo uppfyllda med vishet, hafvande deras boning hos de rättfärdiga, utvalda och heliga.

Upp. 21:6

1. Och på den orten såg jag en rättfärdighetens källa, som var outtömlig och omgifven af flera vishetens brunnar, och alla törstande drucko därur och blevo uppfyllda med visdom och hade sin boning hos de rättfärdiga och heliga och utvalda.

Upp. 21:6

2. In that hour was this Son of man invoked before the Lord of spirits, and his name in the presence of the Ancient of days.

2. And at that hour that Son of Man was called near the Lord of the spirits, and his name before the Head of days.

2. And at that hour that Son of Man was named In the presence of the Lord of Spirits, And his name before the Head of Days.

2. Vid den tiden var denne menniskones Son åkallad inför Andarnas Herre, och hans namn i närvaro af den Gamle af dagar.

2. Och på den tiden vardt Människosonen nämnd hos andarnas Herre och hans namn inför dagarnas Hufvud.

3. Before the sun and the signs were created, before the stars of heaven were formed, his name was invoked in the presence of the Lord of spirits.

3. And before the sun and the signs were created, before the stars of heaven were made, his name was called before the Lord of the spirits.

3. Yea, before the sun and the signs were created, Before the stars of the heaven were made, His name was named before the Lord of Spirits.

3. Förr än solen och himmelens tecken blefvo skapade; förr än himmelens stjernor blefvo bildade, var hans namn åkalladt inför Andarnes Herre.

3. Och innan solen och stjärnbilderna voro skapade, innan himmelens ljus voro danade, vardt hans namn nämndt inför andarnas Herre.

4. A support shall he be for the righteous and the holy to lean upon, without falling; and he shall be the light of nations. He shall be the hope of those whose hearts are troubled.

4. He will be a staff to the just and the holy, upon which they will support themselves and not fall, and he will be the light of the nations, and he will be the hope of those who are sick in their hearts.

4. He shall be a staff to the righteous whereon to stay themselves and not fall, And he shall be the light of the Gentiles, And the hope of those who are troubled of heart.

4. Han skall blifva ett stöd för de rättfärdiga och heliga, att stödja sig på, utan att falla, och han skall blifva folkslagens ljus. Han skall blifva ett hopp för dem, hvilkas hjertan äro fulla af bekymmer.

4. Han skall vara en staf för de rättfärdiga och heliga, att de må stödja sig därpå och icke falla, och han skall vara folkens ljus och de i hjärtat bedrövades hopp.

5. All, who dwell on earth, shall fall down and worship before him; shall bless and glorify him, and sing praises to the name of the Lord of spirits.

5. All who live upon the earth will fall down before him and bend the knee to him, and will bless and praise him and will sing psalms to the name of the Lord of the spirits.

5. All who dwell on earth shall fall down and worship before him, And will praise and bless and celebrate with song the Lord of Spirits.

5. Alla som bo på jorden skola falla ned och tillbedja honom, skola välsigna och förherrliga honom, och lofsjunga Andarnes Herres namn.

5. Alla som bo på jorden skola nedfalla inför honom och tillbedja honom och lofva och prisa och lofsjunga andarnas Herres namn.

6. Therefore the Elect and the Concealed One existed in his presence, before the world was created, and for ever.

6. For this purpose he was chosen and hidden before him before the world was created, and he will be before him to eternity.

6. And for this reason hath he been chosen and hidden before Him, Before the creation of the world and for evermore.

6. Således har den ende Utvalde och förborgade varit till i Hans närvaro, innan verlden blef skapad, och i evighet.

6. Och därför vardt han utvald och förborgad inför honom, innan världen skapades, och i evighet skall han vara inför honom.

7. In his presence he existed, and has revealed to the saints and to the righteous the wisdom of the Lord of spirits; for he has preserved the lot of the righteous, because they have hated and rejected this world of iniquity, and have detested all its works and ways, in the name of the Lord of spirits. For in his name shall they be preserved; and his will shall be their life.

Gal. 1:4. 1 John 2:15

7. And the wisdom of the Lord of the spirits has revealed him to the holy and the just, for he preserves the portion of the just, because they have hated and despised this world of injustice, and have hated all its deeds and ways in the name of the Lord of the spirits; for in his name they will be saved, and he will be the revenger of their lives.

Gal. 1:4. 1 John 2:15

7. And the wisdom of the Lord of Spirits hath revealed him to the holy and righteous; For he hath preserved the lot of the righteous, Because they have hated and despised this world of unrighteousness, And have hated all its works and ways in the name of the Lord of Spirits: For in his name they are saved, And according to his good pleasure hath it been in regard to their life.

Gal. 1:4. 1 John 2:15

7. Han var till i Hans närvaro och har för de helige och rättfärdige uppenbarat Andarnes Herres vishet, ty han har förvarat de rättfärdigas lott, emedan de hafva hatat och förkastat denna värld af orättfärdighet och hafva i Andarnes Herres namn afskytt alla deras gerningar och vägar. Ty i Hans namn skola de blifva bevarade, och Hans vilja skall vara deras lif.

Gal. 1:4. 1 Joh. 2:15

7. Och andarnas Herres vishet har uppenbarat honom för de heliga och rättfärdiga, ty han bevarar de rättfärdigas del, emedan de hafva hatat och försmått denna orättfärdighetens värld och hatat alla dess verk och vägar, i andarnas Herres namn, ty i hans namn varda de frälsta, och han blir deras lifs hämnare.

Gal. 1:4. 1 Joh. 2:15

8. In those days shall the kings of the earth and the mighty men, who have gained the world by their achievements, become humble in countenance. For in the day of their anxiety and trouble their souls shall not be saved;

8. And in those days the countenances of the kings of the earth, and of the mighty who possess the earth, will be bent down on account of the deeds of their hands, for on the day of their terror and trouble their souls will not be saved.

8. In these days downcast in countenance shall the kings of the earth have become, And the strong who possess the land because of the works of their hands; For on the day of their anguish and affliction they shall not (be able to) save themselves.

8. I dessa dagar skola jordens Konungar och mäktiga män, som vunnit verlden genom sina bedrifter, blifva ödmjuka till utseendet. Ty på deras ängslans och bekymmers dag skola deras själar icke blifva frälsta,

8. Och i de dagarna skola jordens konungar och de väldiga, som besitta fästet, slå ned blicken för sina händers verk, ty på sin ängslans och nöds dag skola de icke rädda sina själar.

9. and they shall be in subjection to those whom I have chosen. I will cast them like hay into the fire, and like lead into the water. Thus shall they burn in the presence of the righteous, and sink in the presence of the holy; nor shall a tenth part of them be found.

9. And I will put them into the hands of my chosen, like straw in fire and like lead in water; thus they will burn before the face of the just, and sink before the face of the holy, and no trace of them will be found.

9. And I will give them over into the hands of Mine elect: As straw in the fire so shall they burn before the face of the holy: As lead in the water shall they sink before the face of the righteous, And no trace of them shall any more be found.

9. och de skola blifva underdåniga dem, som jag har utvalt. Jag skall kasta dem likasom hö uti elden, och likasom bly i vattnet. Sålunda skola de brinna inför de rättfärdiga och sjunka inför de heliga, och ej en tiondel af dem skall finnas qvar.

9. Och jag skall öfverantvarda dem i mina utvaldas händer. Liksom halm i eld skola de brinna inför de rättfärdigas ansikte, och liksom bly i vatten skola de nedsjunka inför de heligas anlete, och intet spår skola de lämna efter sig.

10. But in the day of their trouble, the world shall obtain tranquillity. In his presence shall they fall, and not be raised up again; nor shall there be any one to take them out of his hands, and to lift them up: for they have denied the Lord of spirits, and his Messiah. The name of the Lord of spirits shall be blessed.

Psalms 2:2

10. And on the day of their trouble, there will be rest on the earth; before him they will fall and not rise again, and there will be no one to take them with his hands and lift them up, because they have denied the Lord of the spirits and his Anointed. The name of the Lord of the spirits be blessed!

Psalms 2:2

10. And on the day of their affliction there shall be rest on the earth, And before them they shall fall and not rise again: And there shall be no one to take them with his hands and raise them: For they have denied the Lord of Spirits and His Anointed. The name of the Lord of Spirits be blessed.

Psalms 2:2

10. Men på deras bekymmers dag skall verlden erhålla lugn. Inför Honom skola de falla och icke blifva åter uppresta, och ej heller skall någon taga dem ur Hans händer och lyfta dem upp, emedan de hafva förnekat Andarnes Herre och hans Messiah. Andarnes Herres namn skall välsignas.

Ps. 2:2

10. Och på deras bedröfvelses dag skall det blifva frid på jorden. Inför honom skola de falla och icke åter uppstå, och ingen skall taga dem i sina händer och upplyfta dem, ty de hafva förnekat andarnas Herre och hans Smorde. Prisadt vare andarnes Herres namn!

Ps. 2:2

Förra Kapitlet

Parallel Translations
48 Kapitlet

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