9. They shall not be condemned the whole period of their lives, not die in torment and indignation; but the sum of their days shall be completed, and they shall grow old in peace; while the years of their happiness shall be multiplied with joy, and with peace, for ever, the whole duration of their existence.
9. And they will not be punished all the days of their lives, and will not die through plagues or judgments of wrath, but the number of the days of their lives will be completed, and their lives will become old in peace, and the years of their joy will be many in everlasting happiness and peace, for all the days of their lives.
9. And they shall not again transgress, Nor shall they sin all the days of their life, Nor shall they die of (the divine) anger or wrath, But they shall complete the number of the days of their life. And their lives shall be increased in peace, And the years of their joy shall be multiplied, In eternal gladness and peace, All the days of their life.
9. De skola icke fördömas för hela deras lefnad, ej heller dö i plågor och förkastelse, utan summan af deras dagar skall fyllas, och de skola åldras i ro. Åren af deras lycksalighet skall mångfaldigas med glädje och fred för altid, så länge deras lif räcker.
9. Och under hela sitt lif skola de icke blifva straffade, icke heller skola de dö genom plågor eller vredesdomar, utan talet på deras lefnadsdagar skall fullbordas, och de skola åldras i frid, och deras lyckas år varda många i evig fröjd och frid hela deras lif.