n those days shall the earth deliver up from her womb, and hell deliver up from hers, that which it has received; and destruction shall restore that which it owes.
Rev. 20:13 Compare
2. He shall select the righteous and holy from among them; for the day of their salvation has approached.
3. And in those days shall the Elect One sit upon his throne, while every secret of intellectual wisdom shall proceed from his mouth, for the Lord of spirits has gifted and glorified him.
4. In those days the mountains shall skip like rams, and the hills shall leap like young sheep satiated with milk; and all
the righteous shall become
like angels in heaven.
Psalms 114:4. Matt. 22:30 Compare
5. Their countenance shall be bright with joy; for in those days shall the Elect One be exalted. The earth shall rejoice; the righteous shall inhabit it, and the elect possess it.
Matt. 13:43 Compare