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7. The threshing-floor, the path, and the city of my righteous people shall impede the progress of their horses. They shall rise up to destroy each other; their right hand shall be strengthened; nor shall a man acknowledge his friend or his brother; Nor the son his father and his mother; until the number of the dead bodies shall be completed, by their death and punishment. Neither shall this take place without cause.

But the city of my just will be a hindrance to their horses, and they will take up a battle amongst themselves, and their right will become strong against themselves, and a man will not know his neighbor or his brother, nor the son his father or his mother, until there shall be sufficient bodies by their death and their punishment over them — it will not be in vain.

But the city of my righteous shall be a hindrance to their horses. And they shall begin to fight among themselves, And their right hand shall be strong against themselves, And a man shall not know his brother, Nor a son his father or his mother, Till there be no number of the corpses through their slaughter, And their punishment be not in vain.

Mitt rättfärdiga folks loggolf, väg och stad skall förhindra framgången af deras hästar. De skola resa sig upp, för att förstöra hvarandra; deras högra hand skall blifva förstärkt; ingen menniska skall erkänna sin vän eller sin broder. Ej heller sonen sin fader eller moder, tilldess de döda kropparnas antal blifvit uppfyldt genom deras död och straff. Detta skall icke heller ske utan orsak.

Men mina rättfärdigas stad skall varda ett hinder för deras hästar, och de skola begynna strida mot hvarandra, och deras högra hand skall blifva stark emot dem själfva, och ingen skall känna sin närmaste och sin broder, icke heller sonen sin fader och sin moder, förrän många blifvit dödade och straffdomen kommer öfver dem.

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