nd I saw there the hosts of the angels of punishment walking and holding chains of iron and of metal.
2. And I asked the angel of peace, who went with me, saying: "To whom are these going, holding them [i.e. the chains]?"
3. And he said to me: "Each one to his chosen and his beloved, that they be thrown into the deep abyss of the valley.
4. And then that valley will be filled with their chosen and beloved, and the day of their lives will be ended, and the day of their error will, from that time on, not be counted."
5. And in those days the angels will assemble, and turn their heads toward the east, towards the people of Parthia and Media, in order to excite the kings, and that a spirit of disturbance come over them, and disturb them from off their thrones, that they come forth from their resting places like lions, and like hungry wolves amidst their flocks.
6. And they will ascend and step upon the land of their chosen, and the land of his chosen will be before them a threshing-floor and a path.
7. But the city of my just will be a hindrance to their horses, and they will take up a battle amongst themselves, and their right will become strong against themselves, and a man will not know his neighbor or his brother, nor the son his father or his mother, until there shall be sufficient bodies by their death and their punishment over them it will not be in vain.
8. And in those days the mouth of Sheol will be opened, and they will sink into it; and their destruction, Sheol, will devour the sinners from the presence of the chosen.
Rev. 20:14-15 Compare