11. Then another angel, who proceeded with me, spoke to me; And showed me the first and last secrets in heaven above, and in the depths of the earth: In the extremities of heaven, and in the foundations of it,
Then the other angel, who went with me, spoke to me, and showed me that which was secret, the first and the last, what is in the heavens on high, and in the earth in the deep, and on the ends of the heavens, and on the foundations of heaven, and in the repositories of the winds;
And the other angel who went with me and showed me what was hidden told me what is first and last in the heaven in the height, and beneath the earth in the depth, and at the ends of the heaven, and on the foundation of the heaven.
Den andre ängelen, som gick med mig, talte till mig. Och visade mig de första och sista hemligheterna uppe i himmelen och i djupet af jorden. I yttersta gränserna af himmelen och i grundvalarne deraf
Den andre ängelen, som gick med mig, talte till mig. Och visade mig de första och sista hemligheterna uppe i himmelen och i djupet af jorden. I yttersta gränserna af himmelen och i grundvalarne deraf