24. - And the angel of peace, who was with me, said, These two monsters are by the power of God prepared to become food,
And the angel of peace, who was with me, said to me: "These two monsters are prepared to be fed, according to the greatness of God, that the punishments from God be not in vain, and sons will be killed with their mothers, and children with their fathers.
- And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: 'These two monsters, prepared conformably to the greatness of God, shall feed;
- Och fredens ängel, som var med mig, sade: Dessa tvenne vidunder äro genom Guds makt tillredde att blifva föda,
Och han, fridens ängel, sade till mig: Dessa tvenne vidunder äro skapade till att utfodras enligt Guds storhet, på det att Guds dom ej må vara förgäfves,** och sönerna skola dödas med sina mödrar och barnen med sina fäder.