3. Again holy Michael answered and said to holy Raphael, Who is there whose heart is not softened by it, and whose reins are not troubled at this thing? Judgment has gone forth against them by those who have thus dragged them away;
And the holy Michael answered again and said to Rufael: "Who is he whose heart is not softened concerning it, and whose reins are not shaken by this word? A judgment has come overt them from [i.e. on account of] those whom they have thus led out."
And Michael answered again, and said to Raphael: 'Who is he whose heart is not softened concerning it, and whose reins are not troubled by this word of judgement (that) has gone forth upon them because of those who have thus led them out? '
Återigen svarade den helige Michael och sade till den helige Raphael: hvilken är den, hvars hjerta ej blir ödmjukadt deraf och hvars njurar icke blifva plågade af dessa ting? Domen har blifvit verkställd emot dem genom dessa, som således hafva fört bort dem,
Återigen svarade den helige Michael och sade till den helige Raphael: hvilken är den, hvars hjerta ej blir ödmjukadt deraf och hvars njurar icke blifva plågade af dessa ting? Domen har blifvit verkställd emot dem genom dessa, som således hafva fört bort dem,