11. Four conductors of them first enter, who separate the four quarters of the year. After these, twelve conductors of their classes, who separate the months and the year into three hundred and sixty-four days, with the leaders of a thousand, who distinguish between the days, as well as between the four additional ones; which, as conductors, divide the four quarters of the year.
Their four leaders who divide the four portions of the year enter first; after them the twelve leaders of the orders, who separate the months and the year into three hundred and sixty-four days, together with the heads of the thousands who divide the days; for the four intercalary days these are the leaders who separate the four parts of the years.
Their four leaders who divide the four parts of the year enter first; and after them the twelve leaders of the orders who divide the months; and for the three hundred and sixty (days) there are heads over thousands who divide the days; and for the four intercalary days there are the leaders which sunder the four parts of the year.
Fyra anförare af dem ingå först, hvilka åtskilja årets fyra delar. Efter dessa komma tolf anförare för sina klasser, hvilka skilja månaderne och året i trehundrade sextiofyra dagar, jemte anförarne för ettusende, hvilka skilja imellan dagarne, likasom imellan de fyra tillagda, hvilka såsom anförare skilja de fyra delarne af året.
Fyra anförare af dem ingå först, hvilka åtskilja årets fyra delar. Efter dessa komma tolf anförare för sina klasser, hvilka skilja månaderne och året i trehundrade sextiofyra dagar, jemte anförarne för ettusende, hvilka skilja imellan dagarne, likasom imellan de fyra tillagda, hvilka såsom anförare skilja de fyra delarne af året.