32. Then that sheep who conducted them went away, and ascended the top of the rock; When the rest of the sheep began to grow blind, and to wander from the path which he had shown them; but he knew it not.
And that sheep which led them returned, and ascended to the height of that rock; but the sheep began to be blinded as to their eyes, and erred from the path which it had showed to them; but this sheep did not know it.
And that sheep which led them again ascended to the summit of that rock, but the sheep began to be blinded and to wander from the way which he had showed them, but that sheep wot not thereof.
Då gick det fåret bort, som anförde dem, och uppsteg på spetsen af klippan. Då började fåren att blifva blinda och afvika från den väg, som det visat dem; men fåret visste det icke.
Då gick det fåret bort, som anförde dem, och uppsteg på spetsen af klippan. Då började fåren att blifva blinda och afvika från den väg, som det visat dem; men fåret visste det icke.