7. Again I looked in the vision until those cataracts from that lofty roof were removed, and the fountains of the earth became equalized, while other depths were opened;
And again I saw in the vision till those sluices were put away from that high roof, and the fountains of the earth dried up, and other abysses were opened.
And again I saw in the vision till those water torrents were removed from that high roof, and the chasms of the earth were levelled up and other abysses were opened.
Återigen såg jag i synen, tilldess vattenfallen från det höga taket upphörde, och jordens källor jemnades, medan andra djup blefvo öppnade,
Återigen såg jag i synen, tilldess vattenfallen från det höga taket upphörde, och jordens källor jemnades, medan andra djup blefvo öppnade,