hen Michael and Gabriel and Surjân and Urjân looked down from heaven and saw the great amount of blood which had been spilled on the earth, and all the wickedness which had been committed over the earth.
2. And they said to one another: "The emptied earth re-echoes the sound of their [i.e. mankind's] cries up to the gates of heaven.
3. And now to you, O ye holy ones of heaven, cry the souls of men, saying: 'Secure us judgment before the Most High.'
4. And they spoke to their Lord, to the King: 'O Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, the throne of thy majesty is among all the generations of the world, and thy name, holy and glorious, among all the generations of the world. Thou art blessed and praised!
Rev. 17:14. Rev. 19:16 Compare
5. Thou hast made all things and all power is with thee, all things are open before thee and uncovered, and thou seest all things and nothing can hide itself from thee.
Rev. 4:11. Hebr. 4:13 Compare
6. See then what Azâzêl has done, how he has taught all wickedness on earth and has revealed the secrets of the world which were prepared in the heavens.
7. And Semjâzâ to whom thou hast given the power to be chief of his associates has made known conjurations.
8. And they have gone together to the daughters of men and have slept with them, with those women, and have defiled themselves, and have revealed to them these sins.
9. And the women have brought forth giants, and thereby the whole earth has been filled with blood and wickedness.
10. And now, behold, the souls which have died cry and lament to the gates of heaven, and their groans ascend, and they are not able to escape from the wickedness which is committed on the earth.
11. And thou knowest everything before it comes to pass, and thou knowest this and their circumstances, and yet thou dost not speak to us. What shall we therefore do in regard to this?"