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1. Woe to them who act impiously, who laud and honour the word of falsehood. You have been lost in perdition; and have never led a virtuous life.

1. Woe to those who act impiously, and glory in the words of untruth, and honor them; ye will be destroyed, and will have no good life.

1. Woe to you who work godlessness, And glory in lying and extol them: Ye shall perish, and no happy life shall be yours.

1. Ve dem, som handla ogudaktigt, som beröma och hedra falskhetens ord. J hafven gått förlorade i förderfvet, och hafven aldrig fört en dygdig lefnad.

1. Ve dem som begå gudlösheter och prisa det lögnaktiga talet och hålla det i ära; I gån under och fån ett eländigt lif.

2. Woe to you who change the words of integrity. They transgress against the everlasting decree; (140) And cause the heads of those who are not sinners to be trodden down upon the earth.

(140) They transgress... the everlasting decree. Or, "they distort the eternal law" (Knibb, p. 232).

2. Woe to you who change the words of rectitude, and who transgress the law of eternity, and make themselves that which they are not, namely, sinners; they will be trod down on the earth.

2. Woe to them who pervert the words of uprightness, And transgress the eternal law, And transform themselves into what they were not [into sinners]: They shall be trodden under foot upon the earth.

2. Ve eder, som förändren rättrådighetens ord; de öfverträda det evigt varande beslutet; Och vålla, att deras hufvuden, som icke äro syndare, blifva nedtrampade på jorden.

2. Ve eder, som förvrängen sanningens ord! Och de affalla från den eviga lagen och göra sig själva till hvad de icke voro, till syndare; de skola förtrampas på jorden.

3. In those days you, O righteous, shall have been deemed worthy of having your prayers rise up in remembrance; and shall have deposited them in testimony before the angels, that they might records the sins of the sinners in the presence of the Most High.

3. And in those days prepare yourselves, ye just, to raise your prayers of remembrance, and ye will place them as a testimony before the angels, that they may lay the sins of the sinners before the Most High as a remembrance.

3. In those days make ready, ye righteous, to raise your prayers as a memorial, And place them as a testimony before the angels, That they may place the sin of the sinners for a memorial before the Most High.

3. I dessa dagar skolen J, o J rättfärdige, anses värdige, att få edra böner upphöjda till åminnelse, och skolen hafva nedlagt dem såsom vittnesbörd inför änglarne, på det de må vittna om syndares synder i den Aldrahögstes närvaro.

3. I de dagarna gören eder redo, I rättfärdiga, för att börja edra minnesböner, och dem framläggen I inför änglarna såsom vittnesbörd, att de må förelägga den Högste till hågkomst syndarnas synd.

4. In those days the nations shall be overthrown; but the families of the nations shall rise again in the day of perdition.

4. In those days the nations will be disturbed, and the generations of the nations will arise on the day of destruction.

4. In those days the nations shall be stirred up, And the families of the nations shall arise on the day of destruction.

4. I dessa dagar skola folkslagen blifva omkullkastade; men folkens slägter skola uppstå igen på förtappelsens dag.

4. I de dagarna skola folken komma i rörelse, och deras släkten skola resa sig på fördärfvets dag.

5. In those days they who become pregnant shall go forth, carry off their children, and forsake them. Their offspring shall slip from them, and while suckling them shall they forsake them; they shall never return to them, and never instruct their beloved.

5. And in those days the fruit of the womb will miscarry, and they will mangle their own children; and they will cast their children from them, and miscarriages will pass from them; they will cast sucklings from them, and will not return to them, and will not pity their beloved.

5. And in those days the destitute shall go forth and carry off their children, And they shall abandon them, so that their children shall perish through them: Yea, they shall abandon their children (that are still) sucklings, and not return to them, And shall have no pity on their beloved ones.

5. I dessa dagar skola de, som blifva hafvande, gå ut, framföda sina barn och öfvergifva dem. Deras afföda skall falla ifrån dem, och då de gifva dem di, skola de förskjuta dem; de skola aldrig återvända till dem, och aldrig undervisa sina älskade.

5. Och i de dagarna skall lifsfrukten framkomma ofullgången, och sina egna barn skola de slita i stycken och stöta dem ifrån sig och råka ut för missfall. Spenabarnen skola de förskjuta och icke vända åter till dem och ej förbarma sig öfver sina kära.

6. Again I swear to you, sinners, that crime has been prepared for the day of blood, which never ceases.

6. Again I swear to you sinners, that sin has been prepared for a day of blood which does not end.

6. And again I swear to you, ye sinners, that sin is prepared for a day of unceasing bloodshed.

6. Åter svär jag eder, J syndare, att brottet har blifvit tillreddt för blodets dag, hvilken aldrig upphörer.

6. Åter svär jag eder, I syndare, att synden är beredd för en dag af oaflåtlig blodsutgjutelse.

7. They shall worship stones, and engrave golden, silver, and wooden images. They shall worship impure spirits, demons, and every idol, in temples; but no help shall be obtained for them.

7. And they will worship stones; and others will make images of gold and of silver and of wood and of clay, and others will worship unclean spirits and demons and all kinds of idols, even in the idol temples; but no help will be found in them.

7. And they who worship stones, and grave images of gold and silver and wood and stone and clay, and those who worship impure spirits and demons, and all kinds of idols not according to knowledge, shall get no manner of help from them.

7. De skola tillbedja stenar och göra bilder af guld, silfver och träd. De skola tillbedja orena andar, djeflar och allehanda afgudabilder i tempel; men ingen hjelp skall erhållas från dem.

7. Och de skola tillbedja stenar, och somliga skola göra beläten af guld och silfver och trä och lera; Och andra skola dyrka orena andar och demoner och allahanda afgudar och tillbedja i afgudatemplen, ehuru man icke kan finna hos dessa någon hjälp.

8. Their hearts shall become impious through their folly, and their eyes be blinded with mental superstition. (141)

(141) Mental superstition. Literally, "with the fear of their hearts" (Laurence, p. 162).

8. And they will become impious in the foolishness of their hearts, and their eyes will be blinded through fear in their hearts and through a vision of their dreams.

8. And they shall become godless by reason of the folly of their hearts, And their eyes shall be blinded through the fear of their hearts And through visions in their dreams.

8. Deras hjertan skola blifva ogudaktiga genom deras dårskap, och deras ögon förblindade genom deras hjertans räddhåga.

8. Och de skola för sitt hjärtas dåraktighets skull nedsjunka i okunnighet, och deras ögon varda förblindade genom deras drömsyner och deras hjärtans räddhåga.

9. In their visionary dreams shall they be impious and superstitious, lying in all their actions, and worshipping a stone. Altogether shall they perish.

9. Through them they will be impious and will fear, because they do all their deeds in untruth, and worship stones; but they will be destroyed in an instant.

9. Through these they shall become godless and fearful; For they shall have wrought all their work in a lie, And shall have worshiped a stone: Therefore in an instant shall they perish.

9. I deras inbillnings drömar skola de blifva ogudaktiga och bäfva, ljugande i alla sina gerningar och dyrkande en sten. Allesammans skola de förgås.

9. Genom dem skola de råka i okunnighet och fruktan, emedan de göra alla sina verk i lögn och tillbedja stenen, och de skola på en gång omkomma.

10. But in those days blessed shall they be, to whom the word of wisdom is delivered; who point out and pursue the path of the Most High; who walk in the way of righteousness, and who act not impiously with the impious. They shall be saved.

10. But in those days blessed are all they who receive the words of wisdom and know them, and do the paths of the Most High, and walk in the path of justice, and do not act impiously with those who act impiously; for they will be saved.

10. But in those days blessed are all they who accept the words of wisdom, and understand them, And observe the paths of the Most High, and walk in the path of His righteousness, And become not godless with the godless; For they shall be saved.

10. Men i dessa dagar skola de blifva välsignade, åt hvilka vishetens ord öfverlemnas, som utvisa och följa den Aldrahögstes väg, som vandra på rättfärdighetens stig, och som icke handla ogudaktigt med ogudaktiga. De skola blifva frälsta.

10. Men i de dagarna saliga alla de som anammat vishetens ord och känna henne och vandra på den Högstes vägar och på rättfärdighetens väg och icke äro ogudaktiga med de ogudaktiga; ty de skola blifva frälsta.

11. Woe to you who expand the crime of your neighbour; for in hell shall you be slain.

11. Woe to you who spread evil among your neighbors, for ye will be killed in hell.

11. Woe to you who spread evil to your neighbours; For you shall be slain in Sheol.

11. Ve eder, som förstoren eder nästas brott; ty i helfvetet skolen J dräpas.

11. Ve eder, som utbreden det onda vidare till eder nästa, ty i helvetet skolen I dödas.

12. Woe to you who lay the foundation of sin and deceit, and who are bitter on earth; for on it shall you be consumed.

12. Woe to you who make a foundation for sin and deception, and who cause bitterness on the earth, for thereby they will reach an end.

12. Woe to you who make deceitful and false measures, And (to them) who cause bitterness on the earth; For they shall thereby be utterly consumed.

12. Ve eder, som läggen grund till synd och bedrägeri, som ären bittre på jorden; ty på den skolen J blifva förtärde.

12. Ve eder, som läggen en grund för synd och bedrägeri, som väcka bitterhet på jorden, ty därför skall hon taga en ände.

13. Woe to you who build your houses by the labour of others, every part of which is constructed with brick, and with the stone of crime; I tell you, that you shall not obtain peace.

13. Woe to you who build your houses by the labor of another, and whose building material is nothing but the bricks and stones of sin. I tell you ye will have no peace.

13. Woe to you who build your houses through the grievous toil of others, And all their building materials are the bricks and stones of sin; I tell you ye shall have no peace.

13. Ve eder, som byggen edra hus med andras arbete, hvaraf hvarje del är af tegel och sten af brott; jag säger eder, att J icke skolen erhålla fred.

13. Ve eder, som byggen edra hus med andras arbete och hvilkas byggnadsämnen intet annat äro än syndens tegel och stenar; jag säger eder, att I icke hafven någon frid.

14. Woe to you who despise the extent of the everlasting inheritance of your fathers, while your souls follow after idols; for to you there shall be no tranquillity.

14. Woe to those who cast away the measure and the inheritance of their fathers, which is forever, and cause their souls to follow after idols; no rest will be to them.

14. Woe to them who reject the measure and eternal heritage of their fathers And whose souls follow after idols; For they shall have no rest.

14. Ve eder, som förakten vidden af edra fäders eviga arfvedel, medan edra själar fara efter afgudar; ty åt eder skall intet lugn gifvas.

14. Ve dem som förkasta sina fäders mått och arfvedel, som vara evigt, och hänga sina själar på afgudarna; ty de skola icke få någon ro.

15. Woe to them who commit iniquity, and give aid to blasphemy, who slay their neighbour until the day of the great judgment;

15. Woe to those who practice injustice and aid oppression, and kill their neighbors, to the day of the great judgment!

15. Woe to them who work unrighteousness and help oppression, And slay their neighbours until the day of the great judgement.

15. Ve dem, som begå orättfärdighet och understödja hädelse, som dräpa sin nästa, intill den stora domens dag;

15. Ve dem som göra orätt och hjälpa våldet och döda sin nästa ända till den stora domens dag;

16. for your glory shall fall; malevolence shall He put into your hearts, and the spirit of his wrath shall stir you up, that every one of you may perish by the sword. Then shall all the righteous and the holy remember your crimes.

16. For he will cast down your glory, and put the wickedness to your hearts, and will raise the spirit of his anger, and will destroy you all with the sword; and all the just and holy will remember your sins.

16. For He shall cast down your glory, And bring affliction on your hearts, And shall arouse His fierce indignation, And destroy you all with the sword; And all the holy and righteous shall remember your sins.

16. ty eder herrlighet skall falla; bitterhet skall han ingjuta i edra hjertan och hans vredes ande skall uppägga eder, på det hvar och en af eder må förgås genom svärd. Då skola alla de rättfärdige och helige ihågkomma edra missgerningar.

16. ty Gud skall kasta eder härlighet öfver ända och lära eder känna eder ondska och uppväcka sin vredes ande, att han må dräpa eder alla med svärd. Och alla rättfärdiga och heliga skola minnas eder synd.

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