he words of the blessing of Enoch where-with he blessed the chosen and just, who will exist on the day of tribulation when all the wicked and impious shall be removed.
2. And then answered and spoke Enoch, a just man, whose eyes were opened by God so that he saw a holy vision in the heavens, which the angels showed to me, and from them I heard everything, and I knew what I saw, but not for this generation, but for the far-off generations which are to come.
Deut. 29:29. Dan. 12:4. Dan. 12:9. Rev. 5:1 f. Enoch 82:1. Compare
3. Concerning the chosen I spoke and conversed concerning them with the Holy and Great One, who will come from his abode, the God of the world.
4. And from there he will step on to Mount Sinai, and appear with his hosts, and appear in the strength of his power from heaven.
5. And all will fear, and the watchers will tremble, and great fear and terror will seize them to the ends of the earth.
6. And the exalted mountains will be shaken, and the high hills will be lowered, and will melt like wax before the flame.
7. And the earth will be submerged, and everything that is on the earth will be destroyed, and there will be a judgment upon every thing, and upon all the just.
8. But to the just he will give peace, and will protect the chosen, and mercy will abide over them, and they will all be God's, and will be prosperous and blessed, and the light of God will shine for them.
9. And behold, he comes with myriads of the holy to pass judgment upon them, and will destroy the impious, and will call to account all flesh for everything the sinners and the impious have done and committed against him.
Jude 1:14-15. Compare