irst Parable.When the congregation of the just shall appear, and the sinners are condemned because of their sins, and expelled from the face of the earth,
2. and when the Just One shall appear in the presence of the just who are chosen, whose deeds hang on the Lord of the spirits, and the light shall appear to the just and to the chosen, who dwell on the earth where will be the habitation of the sinners, and where the resting-places of those who have denied the Lord of the spirits? It were better had they not been born.
Matt. 26:24 Compare
3. And when the secrets of the just shall be revealed, then the sinners will be judged, and the impious will be expelled from the presence of the just and chosen.
4. And from that time those who hold the earth will not be powerful and exalted, nor will they be able to behold the face of the just, for the light of the Lord of the spirits is seen on the face of the holy and just and chosen.
5. And the mighty kings will perish at that time, and will be given over into the hands of the just and holy.
6. And from that time on no one can ask for mercy from the Lord of the spirits, for their lives have ended.