Book of Noah — a Fragment: Judgement of the Kings and the Mighty: Blessedness of the Righteous.
Book of Noah — a Fragment: Judgement of the Kings and the Mighty: Blessedness of the Righteous.
And thus the Lord commanded the kings and the powerful and the exalted and those who dwell on the earth, and said; "Open your eyes, and lift up your horns, if ye are able to recognize the Chosen One."

nd thus the Lord commanded the kings and the powerful and the exalted and those who dwell on the earth, and said; "Open your eyes, and lift up your horns, if ye are able to recognize the Chosen One."
And the Lord of the spirits sat on the throne of his glory, and the spirit of justice was poured out over him, and the word of his mouth slew all the sinners and all the impious, and they were destroyed before his face.
2. And the Lord of the spirits sat on the throne of his glory, and the spirit of justice was poured out over him, and the word of his mouth slew all the sinners and all the impious, and they were destroyed before his face.
Isa. 11:2-4. 2 Thess. 1:9. 2 Thess. 2:8 Compare
Then will stand up on that day all the kings and the powerful and the exalted and those who hold the earth, and will see him and will know that he sits on the throne of his glory, and that the just are judged in justice before him, and that there is no word spoken in vain before him.
3. Then will stand up on that day all the kings and the powerful and the exalted and those who hold the earth, and will see him and will know that he sits on the throne of his glory, and that the just are judged in justice before him, and that there is no word spoken in vain before him.
And pain will come over them, like a woman who is in travail, and to whom the birth is hard, when the son enters the mouth of the mother, and she has pain in giving birth.
4. And pain will come over them, like a woman who is in travail, and to whom the birth is hard, when the son enters the mouth of the mother, and she has pain in giving birth.
1 Thess. 5:3 Compare
And one portion of them will look upon the other, and will tremble and cast down their countenances, and pain will seize them, when they see this Son of the woman sitting on the throne of his glory.
5. And one portion of them will look upon the other, and will tremble and cast down their countenances, and pain will seize them, when they see this Son of the woman sitting on the throne of his glory.
Matt. 25:31 Compare
And the powerful kings, and all who hold the earth, will honor, and bless, and exalt him who rules over all, who was hidden.
6. And the powerful kings, and all who hold the earth, will honor, and bless, and exalt him who rules over all, who was hidden.
Eph. 1:21-22 Compare
For formerly the Son of Man was hidden, and the Most High preserved him before his power, and has revealed him to the chosen.
7. For formerly the Son of Man was hidden, and the Most High preserved him before his power, and has revealed him to the chosen.
Col. 2:2. Col. 1:27 Compare
And the congregation of the holy and the chosen will be sown, and all the chosen will stand before him on that day.
8. And the congregation of the holy and the chosen will be sown, and all the chosen will stand before him on that day.
And all the powerful kings and the exalted and they who rule the earth will fall before him upon their faces, and will worship and will hope in this Son of Man, and will petition him and ask him for mercy.
9. And all the powerful kings and the exalted and they who rule the earth will fall before him upon their faces, and will worship and will hope in this Son of Man, and will petition him and ask him for mercy.
Phil. 2:9-11 Compare
And that Lord of the spirits will only press them, that they hasten to leave his presence and their countenances will be filled with shame, and darkness will be heaped upon their countenances.
10. And that Lord of the spirits will only press them, that they hasten to leave his presence and their countenances will be filled with shame, and darkness will be heaped upon their countenances.
2 Thess. 1:9 Compare
And the angels of punishment will receive them to take vengeance on them, because they have abused his children and his chosen.
11. And the angels of punishment will receive them to take vengeance on them, because they have abused his children and his chosen.
2 Thess. 1:6-10 Compare
And they will be a spectacle for the just and for his chosen; they will rejoice over them, because the wrath of the Lord of the spirits rests upon them, and the sword of the Lord of the spirits is drunk with them.
12. And they will be a spectacle for the just and for his chosen; they will rejoice over them, because the wrath of the Lord of the spirits rests upon them, and the sword of the Lord of the spirits is drunk with them.
And the just and chosen will be saved on that day, and will henceforth not see the face of the sinners and of the unjust.
13. And the just and chosen will be saved on that day, and will henceforth not see the face of the sinners and of the unjust.
1 Thess. 5:4 Compare
And the Lord of the spirits will dwell over them, and they will dwell with this Son of Man, and will eat and lie down and rise again with him to all eternity.
14. And the Lord of the spirits will dwell over them, and they will dwell with this Son of Man, and will eat and lie down and rise again with him to all eternity.
1 Thess. 4:17 b Compare
And the just and the chosen will have risen from the earth, and will have ceased to cast down their faces, and will be clothed with the garments of life.
15. And the just and the chosen will have risen from the earth, and will have ceased to cast down their faces, and will be clothed with the garments of life.
1 Thess. 4:17 a Compare
And these will be the garments of life before the Lord of the spirits; and your garments will not become old, and your glory will not decrease before the Lord of the spirits.
16. And these will be the garments of life before the Lord of the spirits; and your garments will not become old, and your glory will not decrease before the Lord of the spirits.
Rev. 7:9-17 Compare
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