nd in those days when he brings a painful fire upon you, whither will ye flee, and where will ye save yourselves? and when he brings his word upon you, will ye then not be aghast and fear?
2. And all the luminaries will tremble in great fear, and all the earth will be aghast, and will tremble and quake.
3. And all the angels will fulfil their commands, and will desire to hide themselves from before him, great in glory, and the children of the earth will tremble and shake; and ye, sinners, are cursed to eternity, and will have no peace.
4. Fear not, ye souls of the just, and hope for the day of your death in justice.
5. And be not sorrowful that your souls descend into Sheol, in great trouble and lamentation and sorrow, and in grief, and that your bodies have not found it in your life as your goodness deserved, but rather on a day on which ye were like the sinners, and on the day of the curse and the punishment.
6. And when ye die the sinners speak over you: "As we die the just die, and what benefit have they in their deeds?
7. Behold, as we, they have died in anxiety and in darkness, and what advantage have they over us? from now on we are equal.
8. And what will they receive, and what will they see to eternity? For behold they too have died, and from now on to eternity they do not see the light."
9. I tell you sinners: it is sufficient for you to eat and drink and to make a man naked, and to rob and to sin, and to acquire wealth, and to see good days.
10. Have ye seen the just, how their end was peace, because no oppression was found in them to the day of their death?
11. "And they were destroyed, and became as if they had not been, and the souls descended in Sheol in trouble."