hey call the first wind the eastern, because it is the first, and they call the second the southern because the Most High descends there, and especially does the Blessed One in eternity descend there.
2. And the name of the west wind is the diminishing, because there the luminaries of the heavens diminish and go down.
3. And the fourth wind, called the north, is divided into three parts, one of them is for the dwelling of men, the second for the seas of water and for the valleys and for the woods and for the streams and for the darkness and for the fog; and the third part with the garden of justice.
4. I saw seven high mountains, which were higher than all the mountains which are on the earth, and from them there comes hoar-frost; and days and times and years cease and depart.
5. I saw seven rivers on the earth, larger than all the rivers; one of them coming from the west empties its water into the great sea.
6. And two of them come from the north to the sea, and empty their water into the Erythræan sea in the east.
7. But the other four come from the side of then north over to the sea, two of them to the Erythræan sea, and two empty in the great sea; according to others, in the desert.
8. I saw seven great islands in the sea and on the land: two on the land and five in the great sea.