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1. The names of the sun are these: one Aryares, the other Tomas.

1. The names of the sun are these: the first Orjârês, the second Tômâs.

1. And the names of the sun are the following: the first Orjares, and the second Tomas.

1. Solens namn äro dessa, det ena Aryares, och det andra är Tomas.

1. Solens namn äro dessa, det ena Aryares, och det andra är Tomas.

2. The moon has four names. The first is Asonya; the second, Ebla; the third, Benase; and the fourth, Erae.

2. And the moon has four names: first Asônjâ, the second Eblâ, the third Benâsê, the fourth Êrâe.

2. And the moon has four names: the first name is Asonja, the second Ebla, the third Benase, and the fourth Erae.

2. Månan har fyra namn. Det första är Asonya, det andra Ebla, det tredje Benase och det fjerde Erae.

2. Månan har fyra namn. Det första är Asonya, det andra Ebla, det tredje Benase och det fjerde Erae.

3. These are the two great luminaries, whose orbs are as the orbs of heaven; and the dimensions of both are equal.

3. These are the two large luminaries; their circuit is like the circuit of heaven, and in size both are equal.

3. These are the two great luminaries: their circumference is like the circumference of the heaven, and the size of the circumference of both is alike.

3. Dessa äro de två stora ljusen, hvilkas omkrets är såsom himmelens omkrets, och begges storlek är lika.

3. Dessa äro de två stora ljusen, hvilkas omkrets är såsom himmelens omkrets, och begges storlek är lika.

4. In the orb of the sun there is a seventh portion of light, which is added to it from the moon. (83) By measure it is put in, until the seventh portion of the light of the sun is departed.

4. And in the circuit of the sun there is a seventh portion of light from which some is given to the moon, and according to a measure it is added till the seventh portion of the sun is ended.

4. In the circumference of the sun there are seven portions of light which are added to it more than to the moon, and in definite measures it is transferred till the seventh portion of the sun is exhausted.

4. I solens omkrets är en sjundedel af ljus, som tillägges henne från månan. Det insättes efter mått, till dess en sjundedel af solens ljus är afskild.

4. I solens omkrets är en sjundedel af ljus, som tillägges henne från månan. Det insättes efter mått, till dess en sjundedel af solens ljus är afskild.

5. They set, enter into the western gate, circuit by the north, and through the eastern gate go forth over the face of heaven.

(83) A seventh portion…from the moon. Or, "seven parts of light which are added to it more than to the moon" (Knibb, p. 182).

5. And they set and enter the portals of the west, and go around by the north, and come out of the portals of the east on to the surface of the heavens.

5. And they set and enter the portals of the west, and make their revolution by the north, and come forth through the eastern portals on the face of the heaven.

5. De gå ned, ingå uti vestra porten, göra omloppet norrom och utgå genom den östra porten öfver himmelens yta.

5. De gå ned, ingå uti vestra porten, göra omloppet norrom och utgå genom den östra porten öfver himmelens yta.

6. When the moon rises, it appears in heaven; and the half of a seventh portion of light is all which is in it. In fourteen days the whole of its light is completed.

6. And when the moon is raised she is seen in the heavens, having in herself the half of the seventh part of the light, and in fourteen days her light is completed.

6. And when the moon rises one-fourteenth part appears in the heaven: the light becomes full in her: on the fourteenth day she accomplishes her light.

6. Då månan går upp, synes han på himmelen; och hälften af en sjundedel av ljus är allt, hvad som finnes i den. På fjorton dagar blir hela dess ljus fullbordadt.

6. Då månan går upp, synes han på himmelen; och hälften af en sjundedel av ljus är allt, hvad som finnes i den. På fjorton dagar blir hela dess ljus fullbordadt.

7. By three quintuples light is put into it, until in fifteen days its light is completed, according to the signs of the year; it has three quintuples. The moon has the half of a seventh portion.

7. Also three times five portions of light are put into her, so that on the fifteenth day her light is completed, according to the sign of the year, and it becomes three times five portions, and the moon becomes so by the half of the seventh part.

7. And fifteen parts of light are transferred to her till the fifteenth day (when) her light is accomplished, according to the sign of the year, and she becomes fifteen parts, and the moon grows by (the addition of) fourteenth parts.

7. I tre gånger fem dagar tilltager dess ljus, tilldess på femton dagar dess ljus blir fullbordadt, i enlighet med årets tecken; den har tre gånger fem dagar. Månan har hälften af en sjundedel.

7. I tre gånger fem dagar tilltager dess ljus, tilldess på femton dagar dess ljus blir fullbordadt, i enlighet med årets tecken; den har tre gånger fem dagar. Månan har hälften af en sjundedel.

8. During its diminution on the first day its light decreases a fourteenth part; on the second day it decreases a thirteenth part; on the third day a twelfth part; on the fourth day an eleventh part; on the fifth day a tenth part; on the sixth day a ninth part; on the seventh day it decreases an eighth part; on the eighth day it decreases a seventh part; on the ninth day it decreases a sixth part; on the tenth day it decreases a fifth part; on the eleventh day it decreases a fourth part; on the twelfth day it decreases third part; on the thirteenth day it decreases a second part; on the fourteenth day it decreases a half of its seventh part; and on the fifteenth day the whole remainder of its light is consumed.

8. And in her decrease on the first day she decreases to fourteen parts of her light, and on the second she decreases to thirteen parts, and on the third she decreases to twelve parts, and on the fourth she decreases to eleven parts, and on the fifth she decreases to ten parts, and on the sixth she decreases to nine parts, and on the seventh she decreases to eight parts, and on the eighth she decreases to seven parts, and on the ninth she decreases to six parts, and on the tenth she decreases to five parts, and on the eleventh she decreases to four parts, and on the twelfth she decreases to three parts, and on the thirteenth she decreases to two parts, and on the fourteenth she decreases to the half of the seventh part, and her light which was left on the whole disappears altogether on the fifteenth day.

8. And in her waning (the moon) decreases on the first day to fourteen parts of her light, on the second to thirteen parts of light, on the third to twelve, on the fourth to eleven, on the fifth to ten, on the sixth to nine, on the seventh to eight, on the eighth to seven, on the ninth to six, on the tenth to five, on the eleventh to four, on the twelfth to three, on the thirteenth to two, on the fourteenth to the half of a seventh, and all her remaining light disappears wholly on the fifteenth.

8. Första dagen af dess förminskning aftager dess ljus en fjortondedel; andra dagen minskas det en trettondedel; tredje dagen en tolftedel; fjerde dagen en elftedel; femte dagen en tiondedel; sjette dagen en niondedel; sjunde dagen en åttondedel; åttonde dagen minskas det en sjundedel; nionde dagen aftager det en sjettedel; tionde dagen aftager det en femtedel; elfte dagen aftager det en fjerdedel; tolfte dagen en tredjedel; trettonde dagen aftager det till hälften; fjortonde dagen aftager det hälften af dess sjundedel, och femtonde dagen är hela dess återstående ljus förtärdt.

8. Första dagen af dess förminskning aftager dess ljus en fjortondedel; andra dagen minskas det en trettondedel; tredje dagen en tolftedel; fjerde dagen en elftedel; femte dagen en tiondedel; sjette dagen en niondedel; sjunde dagen en åttondedel; åttonde dagen minskas det en sjundedel; nionde dagen aftager det en sjettedel; tionde dagen aftager det en femtedel; elfte dagen aftager det en fjerdedel; tolfte dagen en tredjedel; trettonde dagen aftager det till hälften; fjortonde dagen aftager det hälften af dess sjundedel, och femtonde dagen är hela dess återstående ljus förtärdt.

9. On stated months the moon has twenty-nine days. It also has a period of twenty-eight days.

9. And in certain months the moon has each time twenty-nine days, and once twenty-eight.

9. And in certain months the month has twenty-nine days and once twenty-eight.

9. På bestämda månader har månan tjugunio dagar. Den har också en omloppstid af tjuguåtta dagar.

9. På bestämda månader har månan tjugunio dagar. Den har också en omloppstid af tjuguåtta dagar.

10. Uriel likewise showed me another regulation, when light is poured into the moon, how it is poured into it from the sun.

10. And Uriel showed me another law, when the light is added to the moon, and from which side of the sun it is added.

10. And Uriel showed me another law: when light is transferred to the moon, and on which side it is transferred to her by the sun.

10. Och Uriel visade mig likaledes en annan inrättning, huru ljuset ingjöts i månan, huru det ingjöts från solen.

10. Och Uriel visade mig likaledes en annan inrättning, huru ljuset ingjöts i månan, huru det ingjöts från solen.

11. All the time that the moon is in progress with its light, it is poured into it in the presence of the sun, until its light is in fourteen days completed in heaven. And when it is wholly extinguished, its light is consumed in heaven;

11. All the time in which the moon continues in her light she increases opposite the sun, till on the fourteenth day her light is completed in heaven; and when she shines in full her light is completed in the heavens.

11. During all the period during which the moon is growing in her light, she is transferring it to herself when opposite to the sun during fourteen days [her light is accomplished in the heaven], and when she is illumined throughout, her light is accomplished full in the heaven.

11. Hela den tid, som månans ljus är i tilltagande, ingjutes det i honom i närvaro af solen, till dess dess ljus blir på fjorton dagar fullbordadt i himmelen. Och när det är helt och hållet utsläckt, är dess ljus förtärdt i himmelen;

11. Hela den tid, som månans ljus är i tilltagande, ingjutes det i honom i närvaro af solen, till dess dess ljus blir på fjorton dagar fullbordadt i himmelen. Och när det är helt och hållet utsläckt, är dess ljus förtärdt i himmelen;

12. and on the first day it is called the new moon, for on that day light is received into it.

12. And on the first day she is called the new moon, for on that day the light is raised upon her.

12. And on the first day she is called the new moon, for on that day the light rises upon her.

12. och på första dagen kallas det nymånad; ty på den dagen emottages ljuset uti honom.

12. och på första dagen kallas det nymånad; ty på den dagen emottages ljuset uti honom.

13. It becomes precisely completed on the day that the sun descends into the west, while the moon ascends at night from the east. The moon then shines all the night, until the sun rises before it; when the moon disappears in turn before the sun.

13. And she is completed exactly on the day the sun descends in the west and when at night she ascends from the east and shines all night till the sun rises opposite her and the moon is seen opposite the sun.

13. She becomes full moon exactly on the day when the sun sets in the west, and from the east she rises at night, and the moon shines the whole night through till the sun rises over against her and the moon is seen over against the sun.

13. Detta inträffar just på den dag, då solen nedgår i vester, samma stund som månan för natten uppgår från öster. Månan skiner då hela natten, tilldess solen uppgår före honom, då månan i sin ordning försvinner före solen.

13. Detta inträffar just på den dag, då solen nedgår i vester, samma stund som månan för natten uppgår från öster. Månan skiner då hela natten, tilldess solen uppgår före honom, då månan i sin ordning försvinner före solen.

14. Where light comes to the moon, there again it decreases, until all its light is extinguished, and the days of the moon pass away. Then its orb remains solitary without light.

14. Whence the light of the moon comes, there again she decreases till all her light disappears, and the days of the moon cease, and her circuit remains empty without light.

14. On the side whence the light of the moon comes forth, there again she wanes till all the light vanishes and all the days of the month are at an end, and her circumference is empty, void of light.

14. När ljuset kommer till månan, aftager det åter, tilldess allt dess ljus blir utsläckt och månans dagar gå förbi. Då förbliver dess omkrets enslig utan ljus.

14. När ljuset kommer till månan, aftager det åter, tilldess allt dess ljus blir utsläckt och månans dagar gå förbi. Då förbliver dess omkrets enslig utan ljus.

15. During three months it effects in thirty days each month its period; and during three more months it effects it in twenty-nine days each. These are the times in which it effects its decrease in its first period, and in the first gate, namely, in one hundred and seventy-seven days.

15. And three months she makes thirty days in her time, and three months she makes each time twenty-nine days, in which she makes her decrease, in the first time and in the first portal for one hundred and seventy-seven days.

15. And three months she makes of thirty days, and at her time she makes three months of twenty-nine days each, in which she accomplishes her waning in the first period of time, and in the first portal for one hundred and seventy-seven days.

15. Under tre månader verkställer den, på trettio dagar hvarje månad, sitt omlopp; och under ytterligare månader verkställes det på tjugunio dagar hvarje gång. Dessa äro de tider, på hvilka den verkställer sitt aftagande under första perioden, och i första porten; nemligen på etthundrade sjuttiosju dagar.

15. Under tre månader verkställer den, på trettio dagar hvarje månad, sitt omlopp; och under ytterligare månader verkställes det på tjugunio dagar hvarje gång. Dessa äro de tider, på hvilka den verkställer sitt aftagande under första perioden, och i första porten; nemligen på etthundrade sjuttiosju dagar.

16. And at the time of its going forth during three months it appears thirty days each, and during three more months it appears twenty-nine days each.

16. And in the time of her departure she is seen each time thirty days during three months, and each time twenty-nine days during three months.

16. And in the time of her going out she appears for three months (of) thirty days each, and for three months she appears (of) twenty-nine each.

16. Och vid tiden för dess utgång under tre månader synes den trettio dagar hvarje gång, och under ytterligare tre månader synes den i tjugunio dagar i hvardera.

16. Och vid tiden för dess utgång under tre månader synes den trettio dagar hvarje gång, och under ytterligare tre månader synes den i tjugunio dagar i hvardera.

17. In the night it appears for each twenty days as the face of a man, and in the day as heaven; for it is nothing else except its light.

17. At night she appears each time as a man twenty times, and during the day like the heavens, for there is nothing in her except her light.

17. At night she appears like a man for twenty days each time, and by day she appears like the heaven, and there is nothing else in her save her light.

17. Om natten synes den hvarje gång i tjugu dagar såsom en menniskas ansigte, och om dagen såsom himmelen; ty den är ej något annat än sitt ljus.

17. Om natten synes den hvarje gång i tjugu dagar såsom en menniskas ansigte, och om dagen såsom himmelen; ty den är ej något annat än sitt ljus.

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