The day before I saw this (in 2011), I had published an article on the net where I explained my then belief, that chemtrails are made by camouflaged ufos. The next day I also wrote a post on someone's blog with the same thoughts. After that I went out and sat down at a nearby hill, just to take a break from the internet. When I sat there, an airplane came up from the horizon, with a trail. I asked the Lord if that was such a camouflaged ufo I had written about. No, he answered. Then after a few minutes, another plane came, and I asked again, and this time he confirmed to me that this was such a plane. While I looked at it, a thought came to pray that God would reveal that it was a ufo. Immediately, the plane disappeared into a cloud, and never came out again. Only the trail was left. I took some photos of the trail and the cloud with my cell phone camera. When I came home and looked at the photos in the computer, I had a small shock. There was a circular shape on the photo, where the airplane had disappeared. So I put on some contrast, and the shape could be seen even clearer.
There was also a very strange kind of a sign made of chemtrails in another direction of the sky, at the same time. I'll show that photo after the first three.
This is the same photo with contrast. To really see the disk, you should download (or click) the photos and look at them in full scale. The chemtrail can be seen in the thin cloud in the middle of the photo. Look closely where the trail ends to the right. That's where the plane disappeared. Exactly where the trail ends on the photo, there is a thin, oval disk.
On this photo I put a marker, to show where the disk is. I have tried to explain away this to myself, but the fact remains that where the chemtrail plane disappeared, is an unexplainable disk shaped object. The plane never came out again. I had a small pocket binocular, so I could look very carefully. It seems that the plane was swallowed up by the disk.
These are the signs on another part of the sky, at the same time. Hardly the trails from a passenger plane, or any plane for that matter.
There is one more photo, in this sequence. When I had taken those other photos, and started to go home, I looked a last time at the cloud, and noticed that another cloud, to the right of the first, looked a bit strange. I didn't see anything other, but took a photo anyway. So the next day, when I looked again at the photos, I noticed on the last photo something that also looked like a disk. When I put contrast on this, I had another small shock. There really was a disk on this photo, too. And at close view it could be seen even clearer than the other one.
So, to confirm that the first one wasn't just imagination or some strange photographic effect or error, God let me catch two disks.
Look to the right of the cloud in the top of the photo. In one of the arms you will se a disk with a ring inside of it, and even a dark dot in the center of it. If you can't see it, go to the next photo where I have put a marker where the disk is.
The blue oval shows where the half transparent disk is on the photo. Also look at the strange appearance of the cloud. It almost looks like a living thing. Of course it isn't, but the powers inside the disk might have had that influence on the shape of the cloud.
A close-up. Just as with the other photo, there is a shape in the cloud that shouldn't be there. It clearly doesn't belong to the cloud. Seen from this angle, the disk has the classical shape of a ufo, a flying saucer.
Compare the shape of the disk on the photo with these classical flying saucer illustrations, based on eyewitness reports.
Another one.