The End Time and its Preparations
This website watches the end time events from a Pentecostal/Word of Faith/Charismatic viewpoint, especially covering the UFO-phenomenon and its connection to Genesis 6 in the Bible.




Voice of Healing, April 1954 - The Mystery of the Flying Saucers!


Between Lebanon and Seneser
Gigantes Ultimus in Scondia - The Last Giants in Scandinavia
Nephilim Children
Greek Book of Enoch Interlinear Online
Ancient stone ship in Sweden points at temple area in Baalbek
The Tablets of Heaven Tell Things
Zophos Tou Skotous - The Gloom of Darkness
Perfect in his generations
What are Angels
The Revolt In Heaven
DudaEl - Land Of Mighty Cauldrons
The War of Giants and the Great Flood
Bileam and the Mountains of the East
The Book of Enoch and the Original Cosmology
Enoch and the Pleiades: The Gilgal Refaim Time Pointer
New Book: Enoch and the Pleiades - Astronomy Confirms the Book of Enoch
A Higher Physicality
Why I do believe the Book of Enoch is inspired by God
Pioneer Christian Ufologists in the Healing Revival
The gods of the ancient world
The Tonga People's Version of the Book of Enoch
An Old Mountain Troll
Even to the Third Heaven
Never count on a revival to be perfect
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The Modern Nephilim and the Reason for a Breeding Program
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The Kingdom
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Triton - the Angelic Rebellions
Why is it that people believe in aliens, instead of angels?
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A Faithless Generation
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Chronous E Kairous
Contacts between France and Scandinavia 800 BC
"The Angel Stationed Among the Stars"
Babylonian Confusion
DNA Upgrade Mark of the Beast
Instant Discernment
Mesopotamian Texts Mirroring the Word of God
Chemtrail Plane Swallowed by a Camouflaged UFO
A Problematic Stone
Angelic Starships in Enoch
The Divine Angel of the Lord
Two Powers in Heaven
Conflicting Views about Paradise and Hades
Trip to the Megalithic Sites outside Stromstad 2013
Giants Helped Solomon Build the Temple of God
Only Fullblood Nephilim are Nephilim
King Saul and Jonathan were Descendents of a Nephilim Tribe
The "God-Detector", or the "God-Indicator"
Gnostic Influences Where no one Thought to Look
The Second Incursion
Do not be a Berean
No corrupted DNA on the Ark
What was the lie?
Do not try to understand the work of God with your brain
The Book of Enoch was written by Enoch
Ask, Listen, Obey
Catholic Dogma and Aliens
Angels have bodies
On Giants in the North
Mount Hermon - Angelic abode in Postflood Times
The Gift of Speaking in Tongues
Were the Vikings Nephilim?
Jesus is the Word of God, not the Bible
Giant Skull Twice the Size of Ordinary Human Found in Finland
Genetic Manipulation Before the Flood
Many Christians have a very big Satan but a very small God
Faith and Confession
Old Universe, Young Earth
The Importance of the Book of Enoch
Real Discernment
A Two-Way, Living Relationship with Jesus
Was the Christ image in Kristineberg the inspiration for the cave painting in the Prometheus movie?
Focus on the Solution
The Greatest Problem
Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Work
Showing the way by Going it
You Deserve the Highest Praise - Christ For The Nations Worship
Step Pyramids
The Reason why Science Fiction exists
Have you ever grieved the Holy Spirit?
The Spiritual Gifts and You
God's Servant at the United Nations
Jesse Duplantis - Close Encounters of the God Kind
Word of Faith Radio
2012 Year of Resurrection 1 of 10
God did not create any angels
A Vision - Jesus wearing the Crown of the High Priest, in a Merkaba
The Kristineberg Prophecy and Transhumanism
Book of Enoch for Smartphones
Kenneth E Hagin 2000 0917 - According to Your Faith
Kim Burrell - Grateful
Candi Staton - I Must Tell Jesus
You deserve the Glory - Juanita Bynum
Daniel Souza - Maranata
The Origin of the Nordic Peoples, as Told by Themselves
Gates of Heaven - King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Throne of Mercy - King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Angelic Watchers Caused Malfunctions at CERN
To von Daniken in the language of von Daniken
About me
Angels sent to shut down nuclear missiles - predicted in Enoch
Larry King - Did UFO Cause Missile Misfires?
Leslie Kean on UFOs
UFO Coverup at Nuke Missile Sites
Military Witnesses of UFOs at Nuclear Sites - National Press Club, 27 September 2010
Hillsong - With All I Am
The unknown UFO story of king David
Jesus has a spaceship
Time for update of your Christian faith
Comparison Between Jerusalem UFO Red Lights and Kazakstan UFO White Lights
Internet Searches Over Time for Book of Enoch
Why is the Book of Enoch not in the Bible
About Christian Ufology
This is the Message of the Jerusalem Angel
UFO over Temple Mount in Jerusalem 28.01.2011
Remarkable parallel symbolism on Jerusalem orb photo and my symmetrical cloud photo
Jerusalem Angel - Map over sightings
Joe Jordan - Unholy Communion 2009
Christian Symposium on Aliens Panel Discussion 2-1
Excerpt from The Jewish War, by Flavius Josephus
Chuck Missler on Sid Roth 1-3 UFOs and the Nephilim, 2009
Enoch Book of the Watchers Part 1 of 7
UFOs & the Bible in History & in Prophecy
Benny Hinn - Heaven 1 of 3
Christian Ufology Audio List
This is my Bible - Carman
English Bible
The Power in Jesus Name
Latest Book of Enoch Videos on Youtube
Christian Symposium on Aliens Panel Discussion 2-2
Angelic Presence in the Skies
Book of Enoch
An Illuminated World

The Kingdom
Updated 02-12-2013

"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32

These words contain a great secret. Many have misunderstood them. But they are neccessary to understand, rightly, to be able to recognize what and how God is working in the world, today.

What kingdom was Jesus talking about? The kingdom of David. The prophets had said that this kingdom would never cease. And yet, when ancient Israel was destroyed by the Romans and the Jews spread all over the world, wasn't that kingdom of David ended? No, apparently not, as Jesus said that it was transferred to the disciples. So what does this mean? The Christians didn't found any nations. So how could the kingdom of David continue through them?

Well, now we have to stay clear of a lot of traps, that christians have fallen into regarding these things. One of those traps was when the supposed christian emperor Constantin turned the roman empire into a "christian" empire. Was that the revived kingdom of David? History shows it was not. It was quite the opposite. So where was the kingdom during those days? It was among the spirit filled disciples of Jesus. It was where they lived, and where they moved in the world.

Now, another trap is to assume that this kingdom is only a spiritual kingdom, and that it cannot influence a nation, or the forming of a nation, or a political unit. To assume that, it would deny the power of God, to transform and change things in this world.

What was it that changed the roman empire, and its peoples? It was the christian assemblies, who spread to all its corners. There was something good going on, among all the peoples, but then it went too far. It was when christianity was made the state religion in the roman empire, and a certain brand of christianity was given all the privileges, while christians of other brands were outlawed, or remained outlawed just as under the heathendom.

If the romans had given the freedom to a larger variance of christian faith, then the kingdom of God and David could have lived there and thrived. Now instead, it had to recede back to the small groups of true christians, while the privileged variety took on a whole other path.

"Schwedische Rettung der Christlichen Kirchen"
("The Swedish Rescue of the Christian Church" (German leaflet from 1631))
If we use this thought as a pattern of recognition through history, we will be able to trace where the kingdom of David has resided, and made its impacts, in the earthly nations, during this age. We will understand that not all nations always have been under the spire of the devil. There have been, so to speak, good incursions, when great revivals have come to a nation, and that nation has begun to act out that good influence, in defence, or as liberator, of other nations heavily suppressed by the evil powers. You may begin to see where this is going now. There are some countries, in the history of Europe, that seem to have had a divine hand guiding them, while being attacked by other nations. It would be a long stretch to say that both sides in these conflicts were under evil influence.

For example, during the reformation age, when newly protestant areas of northern Germany were attacked by catholic forces, and the also newly protestant Swedish nation decided to defend those areas - this was seen by those northern germans as an act of God, because otherwise they would have been exterminated, and forced to go back to catholicism. It was this and subsequent wars that stopped catholicism from taking all of Europe, and gave the freedom for the protestant nations to develope into what they are today. To assign this to an evil prince, would be very illogical, not to say blasphemous.

Then, after the role of Sweden was over, it seems that England inherited the spire. And then, to make this short, it went to the USA. Without these countries, there had never been a protestant, western civilisation, with democracy, cleansed by wave after wave of revivals, world missions, and much more. Are we to say all of this was achieved through rivalling evil princes? No, this was the hand of God, the kingdom of David, working through the christian influence in these nations.

Today, we see exactly the same pattern, with other enemies of freedom and christianity rising against the country where the influence of christianity is as strongest. To not see this, and the role of this country, inspite of this or that president, is blindness. And treason.

You should think deep before you accuse that country for being an instrument of the devil, or set up by free masons or what ever. Or calling it Babylon. Because that is exactly what its enemies want you to do. They want you to begin to doubt, and for you to turn against each other instead of being united against the enemies of all that your country stands for.

Just because there are leaders that are not saints, it doesn't mean the hand of God has left you. Ancient Israel had bad leaders too, but the promise of God remained, to the house of David. Everywhere where there are christians, there is the house of David (and I'm not denying the modern nation of Israel as set up by God [in preparation for things to come]), and where there are many christians, there is also a concentration of good, that God will use to influence that nation and (through it) other nations, in the world.

Some might say: But our nation kills innocents! Our culture is promoting idolatry! Other gods are revered, there is sin everywhere flooding like a stream of hell!

Yes there is, but so was also the case in ancient Israel. It didn't take away God's promises. It didn't mean Israel wasn't established by God. It was bad, and it lead to the destruction in the end, but that nation could have repented, and it did, several times, under good leaders. They didn't give up, didn't hand the spire over to satan and set themselves apart from things.

The Fremasons didn't found America. The founding fathers didn't found America. God did.
I think this whole thing that has begun to be preached; USA was set up by the freemasons to be the seat of antichrist, is a lie from hell, for hell to be able to take over. If no one believes in the divine role of USA any longer, the faith factor is gone, that which was holding the nation up from the beginning, and the darkness will come, will take over, will have its way, and proclaim it was there from the beginning, and take God out of the role totally.

Take away America (US), and the rest of the freedom aspiring peoples in the world will have no chance to defend themselves against the unseen powers of the air, the world rulers of darkness. They will take up where they left; catholicism will awake, nazism will awake, islam is already awakening.

Don't let the devil take away from you, your divine destiny.

Created 30/11 2013, 04:09. Latest edited 02-12-2013, 16:04

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