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"The Angel Stationed Among the Stars"
This is interesting, among other reasons, for the medieval conception (and illumination), that Uriel was "stationed among the stars"....
09-29-2013 - Blog, Biblical Cosmology, Angels, Book of Enoch, Tartarus
In the Book of Giants, it is told that the angels not only mated with the women of Earth, but also with 200 of every animal species...
10-19-2014 - Blog, Angels, Book of Enoch
Between Lebanon and Seneser
Is Baalbek Mentioned in the Book of Enoch? B aalbek, Lebanon, is one of, if not the world’s most fascinating place of ancient ruins...
11-30-2021 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Angels, Nephilim,Baalbek
Bileam and the Mountains of the East
When I first started to study this, I had a thought it could be just wishful thinking, but the more I have continued the study and research, the more convinced I have gotten...
08-13-2016 - Angels, Blog, Book of Enoch
DudaEl - Land Of Mighty Cauldrons
Checking out the name Dudael, or Duda'ElOne meaning of Duda, is "dud" (Strong's H1731):dôd, From an unused root meaning properly to boil, dûd, From the same as H1730; a pot (for boiling); also (by resemblance of shape) a basket: - basket, caldron, kettle, (seething) pot...
11-24-2017 - Blog, Angels, Book of Enoch
Interpretation of Gen. 3:15
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed...
12-26-2024 - Angels, Blog, Giants, Nephilim, Nephilim Wars
Nephilim Children
W hat happens when a Nephilim who is a child, dies? We know from the Book of Enoch, that when the Nephilim giants there died, their spirits became evil spirits, bound to roam on the Earth's surface...
01-02-2021 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Giants, Nephilim, Angels
No DNA change can make you a Nephilim
If it were so, then the enemy could force millions of adamites into Nephilim, by gathering them together and injecting them with alien, or giant, dna...
12-29-2024 - Angels, Blog, Giants, Nephilim, Nephilim Wars
The Revolt In Heaven
Is there a way to get to know, what happened before the creation of mankind? And of the earth, or rather, life on earth?Read the answer here:The Revolt In Heaven___...
07-09-2018 - Blog, Angels
The Seed Of The Serpent
So the descended angels became fathers to an alien mankind, not belonging to this earth, which was promised only to Adam's and Eve's children...
12-14-2024 - Angels, Blog, Giants, Nephilim
The Tablets of Heaven Tell Things
B efore the Great Flood, the star constellation of the Dragon stood so high in heaven, that it never went down during the night...
10-31-2020 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Angels, Biblical Cosmology
The War of Giants and the Great Flood
This is how it is: Many who study and proclaim, in speech or writing, about the days of Noah, the Book of Enoch, the Flood, and so on, claim, when they get into what Jesus said about the age of Noah, that then people would get married and be given in marriage, etc, that this is meant to depict the angelic copulation with the daughters of men...
02-27-2017 - Blog, Angels, Book of Enoch, Giants
The gods of the ancient world
There is an idea among some of the prophecy researchers or preachers, to sort of blur the lines between the gods of the ancient world...
03-13-2014 - Blog, Angels
What are Angels
Most Christians believe, that angels are spiritual beings, who sometimes manifest in physical form...
08-11-2018 - Blog, Angels, Biblical Cosmology