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"The Angel Stationed Among the Stars"
This is interesting, among other reasons, for the medieval conception (and illumination), that Uriel was "stationed among the stars"....
09-29-2013 - Blog, Biblical Cosmology, Angels, Book of Enoch, Tartarus
A Faithless Generation
Guestblog by "TGBTG" (Gerie)What a faithless generation we are...
11-08-2013 - Blog, Guestblogs
A Higher Physicality
I believe that everything that God created is physical...
05-21-2014 - Blog, Biblical Cosmology
A Two-Way, Living Relationship with Jesus
If you don't have a two-way, living relationship with Jesus in the Holy Spirit, it doesn't matter if you can quote the Bible from cover to cover...
01-23-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
I THINK IT'S SAD that even most of the Christian ufology people still are stuck in the same religious traditions as other Christians...
02-23-2012 - Blog,Book of Enoch
An Illuminated World
What are angels but glorified beings from another planet? Jesus has told us that we are going to be like them after the resurrection...
01-24-2011 - Blog
An Old Mountain Troll
Interesting that what I wrote about in the article The Modern Nephilim and the Reason for a Breeding Program, is already told in our old swedish folklore, and especially in this poem, that I didn't know about, by Gustaf Fröding...
01-24-2014 - Blog, Nephilim
Ancient stone ship in Sweden points at temple area in Baalbek
Phoenicians sailed to Scandinavia? - Ales Stenar in Sweden points directly at Baalbek in Lebanon Is this the final proof that the Phoenicians sailed to Scandinavia? A les Stenar is a megalithic ship-setting, that functioned as a sun-calendar; marking solstices and equinoxes...
10-31-2020 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Videos
In the Book of Giants, it is told that the angels not only mated with the women of Earth, but also with 200 of every animal species...
10-19-2014 - Blog, Angels, Book of Enoch
Angelic Starships in Enoch
In the astronomical parts of the Book of Enoch, the angel Uriel is taking Enoch on a tour above the earth and in the starry heaven, showing him how the angels are mapping the stars in a grid system much like a modern astronomical computer program...
08-14-2013 - Blog, Chariots of God, Book of Enoch
Angelic Watchers Caused Malfunctions at CERN
"During the night of September 10 [2008], coinciding with the start of the LHC experiments, the Swiss Air Force alerted the authorities of its government and the French intelligence about the presence of 7 unidentified objects a few kilometers from the underground facilities where the most ambitious experiment in the history of humanity, the famous particle accelerator, was going on...
05-28-2011 - Blog, Chariots of God, Ufos and Nuclear Sites
Angels have bodies
The usual idea among christians who believe that Gen...
04-03-2013 - Blog, Giants
Angels sent to shut down nuclear missiles - predicted in Enoch
Regarding the Christian perspective on UFOs, I think we should consider the possibility that not all ufo events are appearances of the enemy, but that it also could be appearances of the Angels of the Lord...
05-13-2011 - Blog, Chariots of God, Ufos and Nuclear Sites
Ask, Listen, Obey
As Christians, we don't need to speculate and guess about different things...
05-02-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Babylonian Confusion
One of the bad and destructive consequences of placing the Babylon of the Revelation somewhere else prophetically, than in Europe and Rome, is that it opens for the catholic heresy, and for it to regain its political goals of world dominion, and actually fulfill its role in prophecy...
09-21-2013 - Blog, Book of Revelation
Between Lebanon and Seneser
Is Baalbek Mentioned in the Book of Enoch? B aalbek, Lebanon, is one of, if not the world’s most fascinating place of ancient ruins...
11-30-2021 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Angels, Nephilim,Baalbek
Bileam and the Mountains of the East
When I first started to study this, I had a thought it could be just wishful thinking, but the more I have continued the study and research, the more convinced I have gotten...
08-13-2016 - Angels, Blog, Book of Enoch
Blessed Assurance
Once saved always saved?How can anyone have assurance of salvation, if he only grounds it on the written word of God? You can only believe the written word of God, therefore you can only believe you have salvation...
10-31-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Check your teaching with the Holy Spirit
What every preacher of the gospel need to do, to get real, is to check his or her teaching and preaching with the Holy Spirit...
10-19-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Chemtrail Plane Swallowed by a Camouflaged UFO
The day before I saw this (in 2011), I had published an article on the net where I explained my then belief, that chemtrails are made by camouflaged ufos...
08-22-2013 - Blog, Chariots of God
Chronous E Kairous
To understand the prophecies in the Bible, you have to know that God is "time-blind"...
10-06-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
DNA Upgrade Mark of the Beast
This idea of the mark of the beast as a dna upgrade, and that he who receives it will be an unredeemable nephilim, is just ridiculous...
09-21-2013 - Blog, Nephilim
Do not be a Berean
There is a saying among some Christians, that we should be "Bereans", or as the Bereans, who searched the scriptures to check if the teaching of the apostles were according to the revelation of God...
05-11-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Driven by the Spirit
This is an audio recording, or rather a series of short recordings I did on my smartphone this early summer...
11-24-2013 - Blog, Audio, Spiritual Edification
DudaEl - Land Of Mighty Cauldrons
Checking out the name Dudael, or Duda'ElOne meaning of Duda, is "dud" (Strong's H1731):dôd, From an unused root meaning properly to boil, dûd, From the same as H1730; a pot (for boiling); also (by resemblance of shape) a basket: - basket, caldron, kettle, (seething) pot...
11-24-2017 - Blog, Angels, Book of Enoch
Even to the Third Heaven
If third heaven is another dimension, as some christians assume, why is it that Paul, when he speaks about third heaven, says that he was caught away EVEN to the third heaven? That is what the greek text says, it uses the word heos, which means "even, until, unto, as far as, how long, till, hitherto, up to, while" 1 - hardly a word one would use to describe a transportation into some other dimension...
01-18-2014 - Blog, Biblical Cosmology
Faith and Confession
There is the possibility to lose one's healing, just as a person can lose his or her salvation...
01-31-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Focus on the Solution
No minister of the Lord focuses on other's mistakes or on apostacy...
01-19-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Genetic Manipulation Before the Flood
This Dead Sea Scroll text from "The Ages of the World" (~100 BC) clearly shows (or at least says) that the angels learned humanity genetic manipulation before the flood of Noah:4>"The prophetic interpretation concerning Azazel and the angels who went in to the daughters of man, so that they bore mighty men to them...
02-04-2013 - Blog
God's Servant at the United Nations
Visitors to this website might be interested in a Christian preacher who spent two years at the United Nations, in 1947-1949, talking to all of the different national representatives about God's will for Israel...
01-06-2013 - Blog
Greek Book of Enoch Interlinear Online
Introduction to the Greek-English Book of Enoch Interlinear Where were the texts found, and how old are they? Gizeh: (Gizeh MS...
11-01-2020 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Spiritual Edification
Idle Gossipers
Guestblog by "TGBTG" (Gerie)(Gal 4:29) "But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now...
10-14-2013 - Blog, Guestblogs
Illuminati Obsession
When I'm reading and hearing all this stuff about Illuminati that christians write and talk about, I wonder: Where is God in all this? He's nowhere...
12-07-2013 - Blog, Kingdom of God
Instant Discernment
Regarding SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES, one shall never be categorical...
09-19-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Interpretation of Gen. 3:15
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed...
12-26-2024 - Angels, Blog, Giants, Nephilim, Nephilim Wars
Jesus has a spaceship
I don't see anything offending or contrary to the Bible in this image...
04-28-2011 - Blog, Chariots of God
Jewish and Christian Feast Days
There have been many attacks against the "christian feast days" recent years, mostly by christians who instead want to embrace the jewish, or as they say, God's feast days...
12-16-2013 - Blog, Kingdom of God
Negative Faith
Just as faith is a force, unbelief is a force...
11-10-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Nephilim - Nordic Connections
I heard someone on the Internet talking about if there are some connections in the Nordic myths with the Nephilim and Genesis 6...
11-12-2013 - Blog
Nephilim Children
W hat happens when a Nephilim who is a child, dies? We know from the Book of Enoch, that when the Nephilim giants there died, their spirits became evil spirits, bound to roam on the Earth's surface...
01-02-2021 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Giants, Nephilim, Angels
No DNA change can make you a Nephilim
If it were so, then the enemy could force millions of adamites into Nephilim, by gathering them together and injecting them with alien, or giant, dna...
12-29-2024 - Angels, Blog, Giants, Nephilim, Nephilim Wars
Old Universe, Young Earth
I don't believe in the gap theory as such, but I see a huge gap in the first verse of the Bible, between the creation of the heavens and the earth...
01-27-2013 - Blog, Biblical Cosmology
On Giants in the North
When the giants left Canaan during Joshua, they first settled in Ugarit, Syria...
04-02-2013 - Blog, Giants
Real Discernment
The thing with discernment is, that if you really do discern, you won't get stuck in a corner where everything (outside that corner) is bad and wrong...
01-26-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Showing the way by Going it
The right way to criticize others, is to do the right thing yourself...
01-17-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Slander and Mockery among Christians
If christians only knew and understood what harm they cause themselves and others, by slandering each other and especially when they slander and accuse their ministers of the Gospel...
01-07-2014 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Step Pyramids
When you look at the Cheops pyramid, the largest of the pyramids in Egypt, it is interesting that the "steps" are about twice the size as they would have been if a normal sized human were to use them...
01-12-2013 - Blog
Guestblog by "TGBTG" (Gerie)The truth is that every hour, every day every minute, we and the people around us are being manipulated to one degree or another by outside forces...
10-28-2013 - Blog, Guestblogs
The Best Part of Mankind
We know from Daniel and Paul, mostly, that there are corrupt angelic princes set over the kingdoms of the world...
12-06-2013 - Blog, Kingdom of God
The Book of Enoch and the Original Cosmology
Unlike with the 66 books of the Bible, which have been read and studied for more than 2000 years in the case of the OT, and almost 2000 years in the case of the NT, the Book of Enoch has only been known to the people of God of our day, for a bit more than a century...
10-08-2014 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Biblical Cosmology
The Divine Angel of the Lord
Most Christians have the idea that Jesus before his incarnation was hidden somewhere in heaven, while the Father was the one who acted in the OT all the time...
08-13-2013 - Blog, Chariots of God
The Gift of Speaking in Tongues
The Gift of Speaking in Tongues is the only gift of the Holy Spirit, which you can use to know that you are constantly in the Spirit...
03-26-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
The Greatest Problem
The greatest problem among Christians, isn't the few who sometimes believe a little too much, but the many who constantly believe too little...
01-19-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
The Kingdom
"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom...
12-02-2013 - Blog, Kingdom of God
The Kristineberg Prophecy and Transhumanism
This is part of the "Kristineberg Prophecy", which became quite famous after a discovery of a Christ-like image in a deep mining shaft in the north of Sweden in the 1940's...
09-13-2011 - Blog
The Physicality of Angels
This is another series of short recordings I did with my smartphone this summer, while out and not having my computer at hands...
11-24-2013 - Blog, Audio, Biblical Cosmology
The Power in Jesus Name
When I was newly saved (1980) I had an experience that reminds of an abduction...
01-30-2011 - Blog
The Real Heaven
In a consequent system of thought, one follows the thoughts to the end, and where they lead...
10-13-2013 - Blog, Biblical Cosmology
The Reason why Science Fiction exists
The reason such a thing as science fiction exists, and the "ancient aliens" stuff, is because the christian church, at one time in its history, deserted the belief in the physical aspect of the angelic realm...
01-12-2013 - Blog
The Revolt In Heaven
Is there a way to get to know, what happened before the creation of mankind? And of the earth, or rather, life on earth?Read the answer here:The Revolt In Heaven___...
07-09-2018 - Blog, Angels
The Second Incursion
It is not hard to find out when the second incursion took place...
05-15-2013 - Blog, Giants
The Seed Of The Serpent
So the descended angels became fathers to an alien mankind, not belonging to this earth, which was promised only to Adam's and Eve's children...
12-14-2024 - Angels, Blog, Giants, Nephilim
The Spiritual Gifts and You
To have the spiritual gifts working in our lives, we have to be very careful about what we say about other christians, especially about christians who have these spiritual gifts...
01-12-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
The Tablets of Heaven Tell Things
B efore the Great Flood, the star constellation of the Dragon stood so high in heaven, that it never went down during the night...
10-31-2020 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Angels, Biblical Cosmology
The Tonga People's Version of the Book of Enoch
"A similar idea is contained in one of the Tongan traditions of creation; for when the islands were made, but before they were inhabited by reasonable beings, some two hundred of the lower gods, male and female alike, took a great boat to go to see the new land fished up by Tangaloa...
02-20-2014 - Blog, Book of Enoch
The War of Giants and the Great Flood
This is how it is: Many who study and proclaim, in speech or writing, about the days of Noah, the Book of Enoch, the Flood, and so on, claim, when they get into what Jesus said about the age of Noah, that then people would get married and be given in marriage, etc, that this is meant to depict the angelic copulation with the daughters of men...
02-27-2017 - Blog, Angels, Book of Enoch, Giants
The gods of the ancient world
There is an idea among some of the prophecy researchers or preachers, to sort of blur the lines between the gods of the ancient world...
03-13-2014 - Blog, Angels
The unknown UFO story of king David
Did you know that king David, the king of the Israelites around 1000 BC, was involved in a UFO incident? The story lies hidden in a psalm he wrote, a story never told elsewhere in the records of his life...
05-02-2011 - Blog, Chariots of God
Trip to the Megalithic Sites outside Stromstad 2013
Show bigger mapThe area outside Stromstad in the north of Bohuslan, (old Viken, from which the Vikings got their name) in Sweden has an abundance of really interesting megalithic sites, stretching from the stone age to the viking age...
08-04-2013 - Blog, Giants
Triton - the Angelic Rebellions
The traditional idea that one third of the angels rebelled together with satan is, I think, a relic from the sethite view...
11-18-2013 - Blog, Biblical Cosmology
The same day I opened this site officially, I saw "UFO-clouds" over my hometown - that is, lenticular clouds...
01-30-2011 - Blog
Vipers and Snipers
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous," (Matt...
11-04-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
War and its causes
A thought strikes me - what if all the great wars in human history were actually the same type of wars that were waged by Moses, Joshua, and David...
12-05-2024 - Nephilim,Blog,Nephilim Wars,
What are Angels
Most Christians believe, that angels are spiritual beings, who sometimes manifest in physical form...
08-11-2018 - Blog, Angels, Biblical Cosmology
What was the lie?
There's a conception among some Christians that when the serpent told Adam and Eve that they would become as gods if they ate the forbidden fruit, that was a lie...
05-08-2013 - Blog, Spiritual Edification
Why is the Book of Enoch not in the Bible
The answer is found in the very beginning of the Book of Enoch: "The words of the blessing of Enoch where-with he blessed the chosen and just, who will exist on the day of tribulation when all the wicked and impious shall be removed...
03-12-2011 - Blog,Book of Enoch