Book of Enoch
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"The Angel Stationed Among the Stars"
This is interesting, among other reasons, for the medieval conception (and illumination), that Uriel was "stationed among the stars"....
09-29-2013 - Blog, Biblical Cosmology, Angels, Book of Enoch, Tartarus
I THINK IT'S SAD that even most of the Christian ufology people still are stuck in the same religious traditions as other Christians...
02-23-2012 - Blog,Book of Enoch
Ancient stone ship in Sweden points at temple area in Baalbek
Phoenicians sailed to Scandinavia? - Ales Stenar in Sweden points directly at Baalbek in Lebanon Is this the final proof that the Phoenicians sailed to Scandinavia? A les Stenar is a megalithic ship-setting, that functioned as a sun-calendar; marking solstices and equinoxes...
10-31-2020 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Videos
In the Book of Giants, it is told that the angels not only mated with the women of Earth, but also with 200 of every animal species...
10-19-2014 - Blog, Angels, Book of Enoch
Angelic Starships in Enoch
In the astronomical parts of the Book of Enoch, the angel Uriel is taking Enoch on a tour above the earth and in the starry heaven, showing him how the angels are mapping the stars in a grid system much like a modern astronomical computer program...
08-14-2013 - Blog, Chariots of God, Book of Enoch
Between Lebanon and Seneser
Is Baalbek Mentioned in the Book of Enoch? B aalbek, Lebanon, is one of, if not the world’s most fascinating place of ancient ruins...
11-30-2021 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Angels, Nephilim,Baalbek
Bileam and the Mountains of the East
When I first started to study this, I had a thought it could be just wishful thinking, but the more I have continued the study and research, the more convinced I have gotten...
08-13-2016 - Angels, Blog, Book of Enoch
DudaEl - Land Of Mighty Cauldrons
Checking out the name Dudael, or Duda'ElOne meaning of Duda, is "dud" (Strong's H1731):dôd, From an unused root meaning properly to boil, dûd, From the same as H1730; a pot (for boiling); also (by resemblance of shape) a basket: - basket, caldron, kettle, (seething) pot...
11-24-2017 - Blog, Angels, Book of Enoch
Greek Book of Enoch Interlinear Online
Introduction to the Greek-English Book of Enoch Interlinear Where were the texts found, and how old are they? Gizeh: (Gizeh MS...
11-01-2020 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Spiritual Edification
Nephilim Children
W hat happens when a Nephilim who is a child, dies? We know from the Book of Enoch, that when the Nephilim giants there died, their spirits became evil spirits, bound to roam on the Earth's surface...
01-02-2021 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Giants, Nephilim, Angels
The Book of Enoch and the Original Cosmology
Unlike with the 66 books of the Bible, which have been read and studied for more than 2000 years in the case of the OT, and almost 2000 years in the case of the NT, the Book of Enoch has only been known to the people of God of our day, for a bit more than a century...
10-08-2014 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Biblical Cosmology
The Tablets of Heaven Tell Things
B efore the Great Flood, the star constellation of the Dragon stood so high in heaven, that it never went down during the night...
10-31-2020 - Blog, Book of Enoch, Angels, Biblical Cosmology
The Tonga People's Version of the Book of Enoch
"A similar idea is contained in one of the Tongan traditions of creation; for when the islands were made, but before they were inhabited by reasonable beings, some two hundred of the lower gods, male and female alike, took a great boat to go to see the new land fished up by Tangaloa...
02-20-2014 - Blog, Book of Enoch
The War of Giants and the Great Flood
This is how it is: Many who study and proclaim, in speech or writing, about the days of Noah, the Book of Enoch, the Flood, and so on, claim, when they get into what Jesus said about the age of Noah, that then people would get married and be given in marriage, etc, that this is meant to depict the angelic copulation with the daughters of men...
02-27-2017 - Blog, Angels, Book of Enoch, Giants
Why is the Book of Enoch not in the Bible
The answer is found in the very beginning of the Book of Enoch: "The words of the blessing of Enoch where-with he blessed the chosen and just, who will exist on the day of tribulation when all the wicked and impious shall be removed...
03-12-2011 - Blog,Book of Enoch